Applications are invited for Clinical Fellow's (at ST1/ST2 Level) from doctors who would like to continue their professional training at a modern Foundation Trust that genuinely values its staff.
This Full-timepost will commence as soon as possible. The position available is within the JPUH and NNUH Urology Service.
This is a Non-Training Post and Full GMC Registration is required. Although this position does not carry Postgraduate Dean's approval for training recognition, it offers full teaching and training opportunities. The successful candidates will be allocated a named clinical and educational supervisor to oversee their development and career. They will also be assisted and encouraged to perform audit projects and participate in research.
The successful candidate will be expected to work at CT1 level,supporting the Foundation Year 1 trainee and also to provide support tothe on call urology cover during the day. The appointee will besupported and supervised by two senior Specialty Doctors.
The successful appointee will be responsible for the day to day runningof the urology ward, assisting in theatre sessions, and arrangingadmission and discharges under Consultant supervision. A ward roundwill be conducted each morning, which is mainly elective patients, asemergency urology patients are admitted to the Norfolk and NorwichUniversity Hospital.
The appointee will undertake the routine and emergency care ofurology patients (assessment of urology referrals, both on the wardsand in the Emergency Department prior to transfer to the Norfolk andNorwich University Hospital) under consultant supervision. The post willgive plenty of opportunities to learn urological procedures. There isexposure to theatres and endoscopy sessions on a regular basis wherehands on training will be given. It is ideally suited to anybody whowould like to pursue a career in urology.
The appointee will also be expected partake in audit work. A pro-activerole should be taken in departmental audits and must participate in theon-going teaching activities of the department.A flexible attitude to adjusting to changes within the department will benecessary.
The Specialty Trainee will have access to the Consultants secretarialsupport.