Consultant in Pain Management and Acute Pain Lead
We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic colleague to work in Chronic Pain in a multidisciplinary team of Consultants, Nurses, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Admin colleagues.
The role also includes leading the In-patient Acute Pain Service working with a team of Specialist Nurses.
An unaesthetic theatre session is included in the job plan which will enable the postholder to maintain their skills and competencies in the anaesthetic management of patients.
Royal College approved
The postholder will provide clinical input (a mix of inpatient ward rounds, outpatient clinics and theatre sessions) to both the acute in-patient service and the chronic pain management service (detailed timetable to be agreed with the postholder).
This post will facilitate the provision of care to chronic and acute pain patients and leadership for the inpatient acute pain service. The work split will be approximately 6.5 sessions for chronic pain management and 3.5 sessions for the inpatient acute pain service. The latter includes an anaesthetic theatre session. The job plan includes 1.5 SPA.
Please see job description for full details