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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Trust Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery (ST3+ Equiv.) with Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust in London
Trust Fellow (Equivalent of ST3+) in Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery ASAP START DATES REQUIRED. 6 months fixed term, potentially extendable to 12 months. The duties and content of the posts are similar to those of the substantive Junior Specialist Registrars. The Cardiothoracic Unit at GOSH Trust is one of the largest tertiary referral units for complex paediatric heart and lung disease in the UK. It houses one of two paediatric thoracic transplant units in the UK, one of the 4 ECMO centres as well as providing paediatric tracheal services to Northern Europe. Cardiothoracic patients are currently housed on Bear Ward (Cardiology Ward - including a 4 bedded High Dependency Unit) Leopard ward (Respiratory ward including 4 bedded HDU), as well as in the dedicated Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Approximately 700 paediatric cardiac operations are performed per year at GOS, (including approximately 30 thoracic transplants), 130 thoracic surgical procedures, 50 mechanical circulatory support/ECMO and 60-80 GUCH operations at The Heart Hospital. Candidates must be registered with the General Medical Council and possess MRCS or equivalent. For further information please contact Mr Nagarajan Muthialu, Consultant Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon, on 0207 405 9200 ext. 5705 (email Nagarajan.Muthialu@gosh.nhs.uk ), or Mr Martin Kostolny, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, on 0207 813 8217 ext. 5734 (e-mail Martin.Kostolny@gosh.nhs.uk ) This is a post suitable for a doctor who is post MRCS (or equivalent) and wishes to pursue a career in cardiothoracic surgery. This post will provide an opportunity for the post holder to develop skills and gain surgical experience in a subspecialty within the non-consultant career grade. Day time clinical duties This will include both daytime duties and on call commitment. We run a Full Shift Rota and appreciate working flexibly to run an efficient service. Prospective cover is included in the Rota. Specific duties will include pre-operative assessment of children including obtaining informed consent, assisting in theatre, performing ECMO cannulation and decannulation, providing surgical cover in the CICU (i.e. exploration for bleeding, delayed closure of chests, intercostal drain and PD cannula insertion etc), post-operative care of children on the ward, presentation of cases at meetings and ward rounds, involvement in the thoracic clinic, involvement in the teaching, research and academic programme of the Unit. The appointee will quickly acquire skills in paediatric cardiothoracic surgery which will allow them to function at the level of a SpR i.e., opening and closing chests, establishing and weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. It is not anticipated ... About us The full job description provides an overview of the key tasks and responsibilities of the role, and the person specification outlines the qualifications, skills, experience and knowledge required. For both documents please view the attachments.