Ward Clerk Riverbank Paeds, WRHinWorcesterinWorcesterPUBLISHED FRI 22 DEC 2023

TITLE - Ward Clerk

GRADE - Band 2

LOCATION - Worcester Royal Hospital

REPORTS TO - Senior Ward Sister

RESPONSIBLE TO - Matron for Paediatrics

PROFESSIONALLY ACCOUNTABLE TO - Head of Women & Childrens Division


To provide administrative and clerical support to the clinical and midwifery staff within maternity services. To ensure the availability of accurate patient records and documentation as per Trust policies and procedures. To liaise with patients, relatives and other members of the public politely and efficiently, ensuring confidentiality and security of patient information as per Trust policy and in line with Information Governance guidance.


Daily clerical support to staff.



Head of Women & Childrens Division

Paediatric Matron

Senior Ward Sister

Junior Ward Sisters

Nursing Staff

Medical Staff

Patients and their relatives


GP surgeries

Patients and relatives

Child Health



To provide a reception service, handling initial enquiries, gathering basic information and taking initial action within defined protocols to assist in resolving any queries.

To keep staff informed of admissions and discharges, and to ensure queries from other members of staff and members of the public are dealt with appropriately either in person or on the telephone.

To receive general telephone calls, recording messages and responding to initial enquiries, referring the call to the relevant member of staff, as appropriate. To make telephone calls on behalf of the Midwives as directed.

To assist in admitting and discharging patients using manual and computerised systems.

To file reports, correspondence, forms, etc. in patients notes in an ordered manner, to facilitate the efficient retrieval of such documentation on request.

To update and maintain filing systems in the ward / department to enable timely and accurate information retrieval.

To arrange transport between departments and to destinations outside the hospital, as required.

To assist with housekeeping duties within ward /department.

To maintain effective communication with ward clerk / clerical team assistant colleagues within the department.

To provide relief cover within the Directorate undertaking any duties within the scope of the ward clerk / clerical team assistant role.

Arrange follow up appointments for patients prior to discharge.

Ensure that patient case notes are available, creating temporary notes whilst original notes are located. Maintain case notes in a tidy manner, filing results and other patient documents in accordance with Trust policy, including admission and discharge of patients. Ensure that all case notes movements are tracked on PAS, including collection and return of case notes to main maternity filing department.

Facilitate the prompt collection of data by liaison with the clinical coding department.

Assisting junior doctors with administrative tasks such as form completion, bereavement paperwork and audits, ordering and tracking of case notes.

Provide general clerical support such as photocopying, typing, opening and sending post, stock and equipment ordering and monitoring, stationary orders, personnel administration, arranging repairs.


To ensure the confidentiality of all patient information and Trust business.

To comply with all Trust Policies and Procedures.

In accordance with the Trust's Health and Safety Policy, the postholder must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

The postholder must co-operate with staff in complying with any statutory requirements and participate in the workplace monitoring processes in order to help maintain a healthy, safe and secure workplace.

To report any accidents, untoward incidents and complaints in accordance with risk management and trust policy.

To create and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and other staff within the workplace.

To act always in a manner which will promote a good image of the ward / department.

To respond appropriately to clinical emergencies as directed by the Nurse in charge.

To contribute / to participate in any initiatives to improve the quality of service to patients.

Standard Clauses:

The purpose of this post should remain constant, but the duties and responsibilities may vary over time within the overall role and level of the post. The post holder may from time to time be asked to undertake other reasonable duties. Any such changes will be made in discussion with the post holder in the light of service needs.


The post holder is responsible for limiting his/her actions to those which s/he feels competent to undertake. If the post holder has any doubts as to his or her competence during the course of his/her duties then s/he should immediately speak to their line manager or supervisor.

Codes of conduct

All employees of the Trust who are required to be registered with a professional body, to enable them to practise within their profession, are required to comply with their code of conduct and requirements of their professional registration. Those staff who are not required to be registered with a professional body are required to comply with the Trusts codes of conduct.


The post holder must maintain confidentiality, security and integrity of information relating to patients, staff and other Health Service business.

Records Management

All employees of the Trust are legally responsible for all records that they gather, create or use as part of their work within the Trust (including patient, financial, personnel and administrative), whether paper or computer

based. All such records are considered public records and all employees have a legal duty of confidence to service users. Employees should consult their manager if they have any doubt as to the correct management of records with which they work.

Health and Safety

Employees must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992) and all relevant Trust Health and Safety Policies and Guidance. This ensures that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe environment for employees, patients and visitors to the Trust.

Infection Control

Employees must accept personal responsibility and accountability for Infection Prevention and Control practice. Employees should ensure they are familiar with, and comply with, all relevant Infection Control policies for minimising the risk of avoidable Health Care Associated Infection. All Employees must undertake annual mandatory updates in Infection Control.

Risk Management

It is a standard element of the role and responsibility of all employees of the Trust that they fulfil a proactive role towards the management of risk in all of their actions. This entails the risk assessment of all situations, taking appropriate actions, and reporting all incidents, near misses, and hazards promptly. It is a contractual obligation that all employees must co-operate with any investigations undertaken.

Children and vulnerable adults

You have a responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of the children/young people/vulnerable adults that you come into contact with or are responsible for in your job role and sphere of competence.

Disclosures and Barring Service (formerly CRB) Disclosure

The Trust aims to promote equality of opportunity for all, with the right mix of talent, skills and potential. Criminal records will be taken into account for recruitment purposes, only when the conviction is relevant. The Trust will undertake the relevant Standard or Enhanced DBS disclosure in accordance with 2Protection of Freedom Act and DBS guidance. In summary, a Standard Check will be used where an individuals work is concerned with the provision of healthcare services, which is of such a kind to enable the holder of that employment to have access to recipients of such services in the course of their normal duties. An Enhanced DBS Check (including the Childrens and Vulnerable Adults barring lists) will be used if they engage in what is defined as Regulated Activity which are jobs that involve caring/supervising or being in sole charge of children/vulnerable adults.

Equality and Diversity

The Trust promotes policies and practices that challenge discrimination, promote equality, respect individual needs, preferences and choices, and protects human rights. The Trust has a clear commitment to equality for all in employment practices based on an applicants ability, skills and aptitude for the post. A range of equality & diversity policy initiatives are in place and all successful applicants are expected to familiarise themselves with these. It is therefore the duty of every employee to comply with the detail and spirit of these policies and the law at all times. Any issues or concerns you have should be taken up with your manager or the human resource team as soon as possible.


All employees must treat each person as an individual, offering a personalised service respecting peoples dignity and modesty at all times.

Conflict of Interest

The Trust is responsible for ensuring that the service provided for patients and its care meet the highest standard. Equally, it is responsible for ensuring that staff do not abuse their official position for personal gain or to benefit their family or friends. The Trusts Standing Orders require any member of staff to declare any interest, direct or indirect, with contracts involving the Trust. Staff are not allowed to further their private interests in the course of their NHS duties.



We are looking for a Ward Clerk to join our team on the Childrens Ward at Worcester Royal Hospital. Ideally you will come from a hospital background, with ward clerk/admin experience working on either an in-patients ward or outpatients department.

Your role will be varied and will include meeting and greeting patients, their families and visitors, and provide administrative support to the ward. You will work alongside the wards multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses and health care assistants plus other members of the health care team. You will ensure patient confidentiality at all times and be a team player who is organised, reliable and professional.

Duties will include:

- Using patient information computerised software to update, admit, discharge, and locate patient records.

-Maintainence of patient files and records.

- Reception duties to include dealing with patient visitors, taking calls and messages, liaising with other departments.

- Ensuring ward areas are supplied with all necessary stationary/clinical forms/information.

- Any other duties as directed by the line manager.

Education to GCSE (A-C grade) or equivalent standard and the ability to work in a patient facing environment is essential.

For informal enquires or to arrange an informal visit please contact Becky Magan on alternatively email her on

To provide administrative and clerical support to the clinical staff within paediatric services. To ensure the availability of accurate patient records and documentation as per Trust policies and procedures. To liaise with patients, relatives and other members of the public politely and efficiently, ensuring confidentiality and security of patient information as per Trust policy and in line with Information Governance guidance.

To provide a reception service, handling initial enquiries, gathering basic information and taking initial action within defined protocols to assist in resolving any queries.

To receive general telephone calls, recording messages and responding to initial enquiries, referring the call to the relevant member of staff, as appropriate.

To assist in admitting and discharging patients using manual and computerised systems.

To assist with housekeeping duties within ward /department.

Maintain case notes in a tidy manner, filing results and other patient documents in accordance with Trust policy, including admission and discharge of patients. Ensure that all case notes movements are tracked on PAS.

Facilitate the prompt collection of data by liaison with the clinical coding department.

Provide general clerical support such as photocopying, typing, opening and sending post, stock and equipment ordering and monitoring, stationary orders, personnel administration, arranging repairs.


Locations are approximate. Learn more