Are you a caring individual looking to work in an acute male patient setting? Harbour Ward within St Ann's Hospital, Poole would like you to join our dedicated and supportive team.
Applications from candidates that require sponsorship to work in the UK are unfortunately ineligible to apply for this position.
St Ann's Hospital is an acute mental health inpatient unit located in Canford Cliffs, Poole, Dorset. Harbour Ward is a 16 bedded male treatment ward, providing treatment and care for a wide range of mental health illnesses which include Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. The age of the patients ranges from 18 to 64.
The multi-disciplinary team on Harbour Ward are friendly, supportive and have wide ranging skills to;
Treat informal patients and those detained under the Mental Health Act using positive engagement, talking therapies (CBT/DBT) and medicines
Place the patient front and centre in their recovery journey
Engage creatively withpatients to co-produce theirindividual care plans
Prioritise both mental and physical health wellness
Help patients get active, eat well and take care of their own wellbeing
Promote freedom of choice and least restrictive practice, in a safe and therapeutic environment
Your role will be pivotal to support the trained nursing staff in providing direct care and assistance to patients with:
Support with personal care and hygiene
Timed Observations
Escorted walks and journeys
Ward Tidiness
Therapeutic Engagement with organised ward activities
You will need to have an NVQ 3 in Health and Social Care or equivalent and be able to meet the NHS values of ensuring respect and dignity, be committed to providing a high quality of care, behave with compassion and kindness, helping to improve peoples' lives, work as a team to meet patients' needs and make sure that everyone counts.
If you have the ability to interact well with people, are enthusiastic, willing to listen to what they have to say and are interested in learning and applying new skills then we would like to hear from you.
You will be required to undertake a Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression course and it is a condition of your employment that you successfully complete all aspects of this course; if this is not achieved you will not be able to commence working in the post.
Employment in this post requires an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, which the Trust will cover the cost of. Applicants who subscribe to the DBS update service are able to present a valid DBS certificate instead of requiring a new check.
For the main duties and responsibilities for this role please read the attached job description and person specification. When completing your application please ensure your supporting statement reflects the criteria set out in these documents by showing how your experience and skills apply to this post.
As part of our vision to have a skilled, diverse and caring workforce, Dorset HealthCare offers support for people getting into work. We offer an employability service to support individuals with application writing, interview skills and other employment support. If you would like or know of anyone who would value this support, please do contact