Applications are invitied for the post of Clinical Fellow in Thoracic Surgery. This post is fixed term until 3rd February 2026, to commence as soon as possible.
The Clinical Fellow is one of a team's of Tier 2 doctors and Advanced Clinical PR actioners who deliver care to Thoracic Surgical patients. Although this Job does not have the deanery educational approval it will provide training opportunities at the same level as a registrar (StR3+) from the training programme sharing the same rota and the training opportunities. It will be suitable for a candidate with a dedicated interest in Thoracic Surgery or Cardiothoracic Trainees wishing to develop subspecialty skills in Thoracic Surgery or research.
The duties and responsibilities of the Fellow can be balanced between service and training to support the successful applicant. All doctors will take part in a EWTD compliant non-resident on-call Rota (with prospective cover). The post can provide a period of dedicated training in Thoracic Surgery. A large number of Fellows who have previously taken up this post have managed to successfully apply for NTN Specialty Training and other pursued their career and successfully obtained consultant posts in the NHS including the thoracic surgery unit at UHB.
Fellows will have:
- An Educational Supervisor
- A learning agreement which will be reviewed regularly
- A named Clinical Supervisor
- Training and feedback and assessment through work based assessments
- The opportunity to attend Departmental teaching sessions
- The opportunity to be involved in audit and governance processes
- Be encouraged to undertake a service improvement project
- A phased induction into the department
- Specific support for international trainees including a trainee buddy system
- Guidance on CESR process
- A dedicated ring-fenced study budget
- An opportunity and expectation to get involved in ongoing research projects
1. To acquaint him/herself with details of patient management in discussion with the Consultants and ensure their efficient execution. To take history, examine and record all findings of all patients admitted under the Consultant's care. Carry out and arrange all relevant investigations. To see and examine all patients under the care of the Consultant concerned, including those in the Intensive Therapy Unit.
2. To assist in the operating theatre.
3. To attend and assist and subject to experience lead on out-patient sessions and participate in the MDT when required. To arrange for the transfer of patients to other hospitals or discharge home, including the provision of a discharge summary on patients transfer.
4. To ensure that good communication is maintained with all medical colleagues, e.g. Anaesthetists, Nursing staff and Clinical Support Services, such as Physiotherapists, Radiographers and ancillary staff, to the benefit of the patient. To ensure other Specialty Registrars and Consultants are kept informed regarding any alteration in the condition of any of their patients. To supervise the transcription of discharge summaries to ensure accuracy and that these are forwarded to the patients General Practitioner or hospital of transfer as soon as possible after the patient is discharged and complete letters to General Practitioners. To ensure that all in-patient notes are kept up to date confidential and accurate.
5. To communicate to patients relatives, the progress of that patient.
6. During duty weekends and evenings, to be responsible for the care of all Thoracic patients on the wards. To perform or supervise juniors perform minor surgical procedures such as chest aspiration, insertion of intercostal tubes, etc. To participate in lecturing to other staff if required, e.g. Nurses and Physiotherapists. To participate in the Medical Audit Programme and update PATS data entry. To accept that occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances may occur, and to respond to the needs of the service when they arise.