The post holder will be participating in the delivery of learning and change following serious incidents and deaths of service users under the care of the Trust. The post holder will lead investigations, using nationally accepted methodologies in conjunction with clinical divisions, enabling them to identify changes that need to be made to enhance safety and quality.
Shortlisting planned for: 26 November 2024
Interviews planned for: 12 December 2024
1. To evaluate the care, treatment and support in place when serious incidents have occurredin order to inform improvement in the safety and quality of services provided by the Trust.2. To facilitate timely and inclusive case specific reviews; to establish the facts, identify possiblecontributory or causal factors, highlight resultant learning, consider improvements requiredand recommendations from the reports of reviews undertaken.3. To lead comprehensive reviews (Level 2 as set out in the National Patient Safety Agencyguidance relating to Root Cause Analysis (RCA)) into circumstances and / or LeDeR (NationalLearning Disability Review Programme) reviews into the deaths of service users with alearning disability which can be highly complex, sensitive contentious and which requireclinical interpretation.4. Provide advice and support to those affected by serious untoward events and their carers(meeting with managers/practitioners/clinicians/relatives following serious incidents toconsider issues arising, learning resulting and service responses required).