A substantive Consultant in Pain Management at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
This post will compliment an existing medical team of 5 Consultants and 1 Nurse Consultant. The job plan will involve 8 programmed activities (PA's) each week across Pain and anaesthetics, the PA's within the Pain Management element will comprise of Out-patient clinics , Operating session in the Day case unit and Multi-disciplinary meetings supporting the Palliative Care Team. As a patient-centred, clinically led organisation we expect our clinical partners to participate in care-pathway development, research, audit and teaching. The successful applicant will be allocated a mentor and be given time to understand the processes of the department.
The appointee will be expected to fulfil the following duties with the agreed Job Plan.
The successful candidate will be expected to comply with all relevant policies relating to administration of patient care. This includes working to set timescales for the triage of referrals, following the specified process for the management of patients that do not attend (DNA) their appointment or admission, and the completion of all paperwork deemed necessary to support the management of their patients within agreed timescales. Consultants are also expected to work with other partners, clinical service managers, nurses and consultant colleagues to manage their caseload in a flexible way, to ensure clinical, national and local priorities, such as maximum waiting times for referral to treatment, are achieved.
The appointee will be expected to fulfil the following duties with the agreed Job Plan.
The successful candidate will be expected to comply with all relevant policies relating to administration of patient care. This includes working to set timescales for the triage of referrals, following the specified process for the management of patients that do not attend (DNA) their appointment or admission, and the completion of all paperwork deemed necessary to support the management of their patients within agreed timescales. Consultants are also expected to work with other partners, clinical service managers, nurses and consultant colleagues to manage their caseload in a flexible way, to ensure clinical, national and local priorities, such as maximum waiting times for referral to treatment, are achieved.
These duties are subject to review from time to time in the light of the changing requirements of the service. If alterations to the described duties are required these will be mutually agreed between the appointee, his/her Consultant colleagues, and the Trust.
The person appointed will be required to devote substantially the whole of his/her time to the duties of the post and give them priority at all times.