Provide leadership, vision and direction to the directorate, ensuring all staff understand and work towards RGP Quality & Governance objectives.
Lead and manage a team of direct reports, carrying out individual performance reviews and supporting their ongoing personal development through coaching and training.
Review developments in the clinical field and requirements of all regulatory bodies, inputting to the clinical operational strategy set by the COO.
With support from the Quality and Assurance Manager, ensure CQC evidence is gathered, documented and accessible.
Monitor the frameworks and approach for reporting of notifications to CQC.
Monitor the audit function to ensure the regulatory requirements of the organisation are met and support RGP as a learning organisation.
Coordinate and agree the quality and clinical audit schedule, working closely with all leads and monitor delivery against the agreed schedule.
Review trends of incidents ensuring investigations and analysis are completed, and change implemented when required to improve quality, safety and patient / user experience.
Monitor all complaints, ensuring timely and appropriate investigation is undertaken and outcomes are actioned to improve services across RGP.
Proactively participate in research, disseminating relevant information, support training to staff and adopting innovations in practice.
Facilitate, monitor and participate in the clinical supervision for designated clinical staff and volunteers.
The purpose of this role is to:
Support the Director of Quality, Governance & Impact to deliver high-quality services across Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care (RGP) in line with the organisation's strategic objectives ensuring systems and processes are in place to demonstrate quality outcomes.
Provide independent assurance on organisation wide regulatory and legal requirements.
Developing and monitoring audits of RGP clinical and non-clinical practice through a robust and effective governance framework.
Lead the development and implementation of quality improvement initiatives within the governance framework to ensure services meet national standards and are compliant with CQC, Charity Commission and other regulatory bodies.
Provide expert professional leadership and advice on the delivery of high-quality care and good governance to all RGP service areas.
Manage the Quality & Governance team, taking responsibility for ensuring all areas of the service are delivered and effective, while addressing concerns and taking immediate actions when required.
Deputise for the Director of Quality, Governance & Impact when required.
Working closely with all senior leads across the organisation to ensure effective achievement of high-quality services in both clinical and non-clinical areas.
Ensure all leads comply with the governance functions of RGP, addressing any concerns as they arise and supporting leads to rectify areas of concern.
Working closely with the Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) & Senior Clinical Team (SCT) to embed all aspects of clinical governance & quality.
Contributing to the development of organisation policies and ensuring procedures and guidelines are complete, current, evidence based and catalogued.
Developing the clinical and non-clinical audit programme, ensuring robust systems are in place, analysing the results and ensuring recommendations to develop services and practice are implemented.
Working with senior managers and statutory leads ensuring standards and legislative requirements are met and accurate records kept.
Ensuring strategies are in place to deliver measurable and sustainable improvement in quality and safety across all RGP services, in line with best local and national practice.
Working with the CCO & CLT agree standards of care and training needs to achieve improved quality outcomes, demonstrate impact, linking with the clinical audit and care quality commission requirements.
Ensuring the Clinical Governance Committee, Risk & Audit Committee and associated groups are well informed and operate effectively within the organisation's governance model.
Provide leadership, vision and direction to the directorate, ensuring all staff understand and work towards RGP Quality & Governance objectives.
Lead and manage a team of direct reports, carrying out individual performance reviews and supporting their ongoing personal development through coaching and training.
Review developments in the clinical field and requirements of all regulatory bodies, inputting to the clinical operational strategy set by the COO.
With support from the Quality and Assurance Manager, ensure CQC evidence is gathered, documented and accessible.
Monitor the frameworks and approach for reporting of notifications to CQC.
Monitor the audit function to ensure the regulatory requirements of the organisation are met and support RGP as a learning organisation.
Coordinate and agree the quality and clinical audit schedule, working closely with all leads and monitor delivery against the agreed schedule.
Review trends of incidents ensuring investigations and analysis are completed, and change implemented when required to improve quality, safety and patient / user experience.
Monitor all complaints, ensuring timely and appropriate investigation is undertaken and outcomes are actioned to improve services across RGP.
Proactively participate in research, disseminating relevant information, support training to staff and adopting innovations in practice.
Facilitate, monitor and participate in the clinical supervision for designated clinical staff and volunteers.
The purpose of this role is to:
Support the Director of Quality, Governance & Impact to deliver high-quality services across Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care (RGP) in line with the organisation's strategic objectives ensuring systems and processes are in place to demonstrate quality outcomes.
Provide independent assurance on organisation wide regulatory and legal requirements.
Developing and monitoring audits of RGP clinical and non-clinical practice through a robust and effective governance framework.
Lead the development and implementation of quality improvement initiatives within the governance framework to ensure services meet national standards and are compliant with CQC, Charity Commission and other regulatory bodies.
Provide expert professional leadership and advice on the delivery of high-quality care and good governance to all RGP service areas.
Manage the Quality & Governance team, taking responsibility for ensuring all areas of the service are delivered and effective, while addressing concerns and taking immediate actions when required.
Deputise for the Director of Quality, Governance & Impact when required.
Working closely with all senior leads across the organisation to ensure effective achievement of high-quality services in both clinical and non-clinical areas.
Ensure all leads comply with the governance functions of RGP, addressing any concerns as they arise and supporting leads to rectify areas of concern.
Working closely with the Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) & Senior Clinical Team (SCT) to embed all aspects of clinical governance & quality.
Contributing to the development of organisation policies and ensuring procedures and guidelines are complete, current, evidence based and catalogued.
Developing the clinical and non-clinical audit programme, ensuring robust systems are in place, analysing the results and ensuring recommendations to develop services and practice are implemented.
Working with senior managers and statutory leads ensuring standards and legislative requirements are met and accurate records kept.
Ensuring strategies are in place to deliver measurable and sustainable improvement in quality and safety across all RGP services, in line with best local and national practice.
Working with the CCO & CLT agree standards of care and training needs to achieve improved quality outcomes, demonstrate impact, linking with the clinical audit and care quality commission requirements.
Ensuring the Clinical Governance Committee, Risk & Audit Committee and associated groups are well informed and operate effectively within the organisation's governance model.
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