We are looking to appoint two junior doctors to work at Foundation Year 2 level in General and Geriatric Medicine. The posts are for six months commencing February 2025. These vacancies have arisen due to gaps in the Foundation, IMT and GPST programmes. We would welcome applicants looking to work either full time or less than full time.
The first FY2 post will encompass 3 months as part of the Interface Geriatrics Team, followed by 3 months working with Acute Medicine. The Interface Elderly Care medicine team manages recently admitted patients on the Acute Medical Unit and Short Stay Unit, but also front door work as part of the Older Persons Emergency Department (OPED). The focus is on providing the elements of the comprehensive geriatric assessment, but in a manner that helps to avoid longer in-patient admissions with the use of ambulatory pathways such as the Rapid Access Clinic for the Older Person (RACOP), and support from the Urgent Community Response team
The second FY2 post will include 2 months placement on Burghfield ward followed by 4 months on Caversham ward. Burghfield ward is a 28 bedded Elderly care ward that provides multidisciplinary comprehensive geriatric assessment. It includes 6 side rooms prioritised for patients requiring isolation for infection control, receiving palliative care and elderly male patients to separate them from the rest of female ward.
Work alongside the medical team to provide Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and ongoing care to the patients on an Elderly Care ward or in the acute medical ward and short stay unit.
Attend Consultant and Registrar ward rounds, and review patients independently at other times.
Communicate regularly with patients and their families or GP, to obtain collateral histories, provide medical updates and agree appropriate treatment strategies.
Work alongside the multidisciplinary team, and attend relevant meetings, to help plan management, including discharges.
Be able to assess and understand patients with cognitive impairment, in line with guidance provide by the Mental Capacity Act. Contribute to capacity assessments and determination of Best Interest decisions, including liaising with families and attending meetings.
For further details regarding these two posts, please refer to the attahed Job Description and Person Specification. If you would like to discuss these roles or arrange a visit, please kindly contact Dr Nida Butt, Consultant Geriatrician at or Dr Katie Evans (see below)