The Bristol Centre for Enablement (BCE) is seeking a motivated and inquisitive Performance and Operations Manager. Responsible for the effective management of patient related performance for the six services at BCE, you will oversee theadministrative teams to ensure high quality scheduling of patients within services with proactive patient level management of pathways.
As our services form lifelong relationships with our patients, this opportunity will make a profound difference by driving service improvement and patient experience. Management, analysis and presentation of data will be central to supporting the Service leads with daily pathway management and prioritising improvement opportunities. This role is at the heart of BCE's service development and excellence. Strong attention to detail with a focus on being better tomorrow than today will therefore be vital.
Using the Trust's continuous improvement model, you willact as the lead for service improvement in operational processes; to improve performance and support the delivery of high quality, patient centred care. Refined and sensitive people management skills coupled with the drive to see tasks through to completion is crucial.
Suitable for an experienced, improvement focussed manager looking for opportunities to enhance and develop their skills further.
You will:
Work closely with Service Leads and colleagues in the services to plan and co-ordinate resources to ensure achievement of access targets in line with Trust objectives.
Lead performance huddles across a workforce of 100 + staff, including boards and action logs aligned to business plans and ensure engagement from all levels of staff.
Lead workshops to teams across BCE on complex and sensitive service continuous improvement, often using skills to motivate, engage and encourage staff to adapt existing working practices.
Act as a key member of the BCE senior management team and deputise for the General Manager on designated projects.
Engage with external bodies such as commissioners and customers (Gloucester Wheelchair Services) as part of managing and improving service performance.
Lead service improvement in operational processes; reporting to the General Manager, you will lead on projects and initiatives as identified by senior managers and by you.
Be responsible for analysing and monitoring demand and capacity for services, ensuring that the Trust achieves its key performance objectives and that patients are managed in line with Trust policies and national standards for booking.
Line management of 6 administration teams operating in separate services with individual complex processes.
Leading on the management and analysis of patient performance for the services and monitoring of key indicators.
Management of key performance measures (RTT) including presentation of complex data sets to varied stakeholders including weekly divisional PTL oversight meeting.
Proactive patient level management of pathways ensuring appropriate actions are undertaken across the service to maintain and improve service delivery.
Be responsible for the Administration Budget at BCE, regularly reviewing of budget statements and making adjustments to achieve value for money.
Communicating sensitive and highly complex performance data to diverse and hostile staff and patient groups.
Developing systems and reporting from BCEs management software for all staff to support performance improvement.
Identifying and implementing service improvements to have positive impact on KPIs.
Leading highly complex improvement projects across multiple services within BCE impacting on both short and long term delivery.
Leading performance improvement huddles across services, aligned to business plans. This will require communicating highly complex and multi factorial data sets enabling clear decision making to be formed based on evidence.
Working closely with service leads and managers to proactively respond to challenges of the service requiring influencing skills to ensure conflicting priorities can be appropriately determined.
Ongoing planning, reporting and monitoring stock taking in all services and locations as required.
Working closely with service leads to establish and manage patient reference group incorporating coordinate patient feedback and analysing data to inform service improvement and redesign.
Work closely with IT to provide oversight of BEST, BCEs management software.
Working with IT and Business Information teams to make full use of available technologies and tools to improve service performance.
Leading on DNA reduction, including monitoring performance, proposing improvements to the process and final summary report showing results and financial gains.
Producing forward looking reports and action plans.
Participating as a member of the operational management team of BCE and in the BCE Manager of the day rota.
Development of local operational policies and SOPs across the service to enable appropriate delivery of priorities.
Contributing to development of complex strategic multi service planning including setting trajectories, capacity planning and management.
Ensuring appropriate data validations through analysing patient data across multiple services and liaising with service leads.
Line management of admin staff including all aspects of HR and leadership. This would include signing off temporary staffing time sheets where required.
Leading on projects and initiatives as identified by GM and the post holder.
Shadowing key roles within Division and the Trust to gain comprehensive understanding of interconnections between departments and roles.
Working closely with and deputising for GM at departmental, divisional and trust level.