The role of CMO represents an outstanding opportunity for an innovative, compassionate and inclusive leader to influence and shape the direction and future success of the Trust.
You will be attracted by the opportunities that we face in terms of clinical transformation and reconfiguration, capital development, improving the culture across the organisation, recovery from the pandemic and being a member of The Foundation Group with ambitions to be a lead provider at place.
As we take a relentless approach to improving quality across the Trust, you will enable expert clinical leadership to flourish, inspiring others through your actions and relying on your proven track record of visible, credible and effective medical leadership at or close to Board level.
I am looking for a talented leader who will be motivated by the opportunity to innovate and whose focus and approach will empower our colleagues to respond to the increased demand on emergency and planned care. You will be driven to work across professional and organisational boundaries, ensuring that the acute health needs of our population are met and that future developments are grounded in the highest standards of patient care and outstanding clinical practice.
The successful candidate will be values driven, a team player and a leader who can inspire change and innovation, developing the talent of our medical workforce and our clinical services, to best meet the needs of the communities we serve.
Stephen Collman
Managing Director
The Chief Medial Officer (CMO) is responsible for the overall development and leadership of the Medical workforce with executive accountability for quality, patient safety, medicines safety and clinical governance. The CMO is the Caldicott Guardian and the Responsible Officer for revalidation of doctors. Through excellent leadership the CMO will enable the delivery of high quality of care in line with our vision, strategic objectives and 4ward signature behaviours. This means providing the best, safest patient experience and best possible patient outcomes by putting patients first. The post holder will develop a professional culture that supports, recruits, nurtures, develops and retains a compassionate, skilled and flexible workforce. This includes enabling diversity in all its forms, a culture of learning and improvement and an ability to lead service innovation and transformation. The post holder will be an executive, voting, member of the Board of Directors and report to the Chief Executive.
Key Working Relationships.
Herefordshire & Worcestershire ICS (H&W ICS)
General Medical Council
Regional and National CMOs
Trust Board
CQC and other regulators
Executive Directors and the Trust Management Executive
Senior stakeholders across clinical and corporate divisions
Hereford and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust
Worcestershire County Council, and District Councils
Third Sector Organisations
Work closely with Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), to advise the Trust Board and Executive Directors on patient safety and risk management.
With the CNO promote the refreshed Quality and Safety Strategy to drive the transformation of patient services in the Trust.
Working with GPs and medical staff from across H&W ICS to create a compelling clinical vision which inspires clinical and other practitioners to engage in transformation.
To provide medical policy advice and input to the Board, sub committees and designated activities.
Provide strong, visible and professional leadership to the medical and medical model workforce.
To fulfil the role of Executive Director and a voting member on the Trust Board.
To ensure the Trust operates with safe and educationally appropriate staffing levels and provide assurance to the Trust Board and relevant Board Committees.
Provides oversight of Caldicott Guardian responsibilities.
Oversees revalidation of Medical Staff linked to the trust.
To provide Executive Director accountability for Medical Education at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.
To act as the Trust's lead on medicines safety and oversee the assessment and introduction of novel practices.
To lead the clinical input into the Information Technology systems within the Trust, leading the Digital Care Record programme.
To oversee the implementation of NICE guidance, NSF standards, work with GIRFT and other national best practice guidance. To review and take remedial action where clinical risks are identified.
Leadership and Management
To oversee all MHPS and medical disciplinary matters and referrals for external reviews.
Promote a culture of openness and transparency, particularly in the sharing learning from deaths and serious incidents.
To actively promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Promote the involvement of stakeholders (staff, patients, and the wider community and partner organisations) in Trusts activities as appropriate.
To contribute fully to the corporate management and strategic development of the Trust.
To provide professional leadership across Herefordshire & Worcestershire ICS.
To oversee continued professional development which is clearly focused on meeting patient, employee and the Trusts needs.
Patient Safety and Experience
To monitor, review and improve systems and practices based on evidence based best practice, to deliver safe high quality patient care and to meet legal, regulatory and NHS requirements.
To ensure that medicines safety policies are fully embedded and that the management of medicines is continuously improved.
To promote services that are at the forefront of modern clinical practice and the patient experience is of the highest quality. Ensure a progressive and inclusive approach to patient safety, risk management and clinical governance.
To enable an environment in which staff are encouraged to review and improve performance, practice and services to patients through training and development, Quality Improvement Projects, appraisal and peer review.
Ensure there are robust arrangements in place for harm reviews of patients potentially impacted by delays in their care pathway and aspects of their treatment and care.
To develop and promote appropriate professional and clinical guidelines, protocols and policies.
Infection Prevention and Control
To work in close co-operation with the designated DIPC to manage performance and ensure staff accept personal responsibility and accountability for Infection Prevention and Control practice within their sphere of responsibility. To ensure they are familiar with, and comply with, all relevant Infection Prevention and Control policies for minimising the risk of avoidable Health Care Associated Infection and undertake annual mandatory updates in Infection Control and hold all members of the medical staff to account for adhering to this requirement.
To ensure that all Trust staff working to the medical model know what is expected of them with regard to infection prevention and control and ensure that they fulfil their responsibilities as part of their duty of care, the post holder will ensure that responsibilities regarding infection prevention and control are clearly identified in all job plans and appraisals.
To work in close co-operation with the Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Operating Officer to manage performance against the duties contained within the Hygiene Code, and ensure the provision of safe, clean patient care environment.
Clinical Governance
In conjunction with the Chief Nursing Officer to develop and promote a whole system of clinical governance that maximises clinical time on improvement, while ensuring governance, oversight and accountability is delivered effectively at divisional & corporate level.
In conjunction with the Chief Nursing Officer to develop and promote an agreed and explicit strategy for clinical governance. Ensure systems and structures are in place to monitor, review and improve patient and staff safety and meet legal and NHS requirements, including duties under health and safety legislation.
To ensure the Trust demonstrates clear standards of good clinical governance, including the requirements set out in the Safety Strategy, while delivering the core objectives and values of the Trust.
To ensure that effective learning systems are in place that drive improvements to care and the experiences of patients.
To support the work to achieve compliance with the NHSLA standards, improving patient safety and the patient experience.
To co-chair the Clinical Governance Committee.
To ensure that there are fully functioning systems and processes in place for the timely reporting and subsequent investigation and identification of lessons learnt from all incidents, serious incidents and never events.
To provide the Trust Board with assurance on all aspects of clinical governance.
Ensure that there are links between the corporate risk register and the Board Assurance Framework and work with the Company Secretary to ensure that risks are being escalated to the Board as appropriate.
Use of Resources
To ensure safe medical staffing models are in place and that these are compliant with national standards. To be the executive lead for the medical workforce.
Responsible for the development and implementation of recruitment and retention strategies for the medical model workforce to reduce the reliance on temporary staff.
To ensure value for money of the clinical workforce by ensuring premium staffing costs are only incurred where necessary for patient care/ safety.
To manage staff and designated resources in line with Trust policies. This includes ensuring effective two way communications and continuous staff development through the appraisal process. To ensure appraisal is embedded in the organisation and undertaken annually by Medical staff and those working to the medical model.
To ensure resources are effectively and efficiently deployed and provide support to Divisions on the planning and management of services.
To put in place and review plans for managing peaks in demand e.g. during winter and major incidents.
Performance Management
To support the Chief Operating Officer to monitor Trust and Divisional performance against activity plans, standards, targets and budgets and intervene holding to account and taking corrective action where appropriate.
To support the Chief Operating Officer to put in place and review plans for managing peaks in demand e.g. during winter and major incidents.
To provide support to Divisions and Directorates on the planning and management of Clinical services, promoting a consistent approach to developments and standards in practice and service.
To monitor Trust and Divisional performance against activity plans, standards, targets and budgets and intervene and take corrective action where appropriate.
Internal and External Communication
To practice and promote effective two way communication and involve staff and the wider community in the planning and review of new or revised services.
Ensure consistent and approved external communication of key trust issues.
Maintain communications with the Local Medical Committee.
Maintain relations with the Local Negotiating Committee.
Business Conduct
To comply with statutory requirements, NHS regulations and Trust standards. This includes meeting health and safety regulations standards, business standards such as Standing Financial lnstructions and working towards minimising clinical and corporate risks including reducing Health Care Associated Infections.