The Wrexham Maelor Hospital is a medium-sized District Hospital. For most specialties it serves a population of around 300,000. It is situated on the outskirts of the town of Wrexham (pop 42,000), which is near the Welsh/ English border. The Hospital has around 650 beds with 180 consultants. Most major specialties and subspecialties are available on site with the exception of cardiac, neuro and transplantation surgery. Visiting consultants provide outpatient services for plastic surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, oncology and specialist paediatric services. The Maelor is the sub-regional centre for upper GI surgery for North Wales.
This is a full time substantive post, which has arisen due to retirement. The post is for ten PA's per week of which, typically, seven will be for direct clinical care (DCC) and three for supporting professional activity (SPA), as specified in the Welsh Consultant contract.
The post will have a major obstetric component, consisting of Labour Ward cover, Elective Caesarean Sections and Ante-natal anaesthetic assessments. The hospital has an Obstetrician led delivery unit with approximately 2700 - 3000 deliveries per annum. There are 10 weekday consultant anaesthetic sessions for Labour Ward, three elective caesarean section lists per week and an Anaesthetic Assessment clinic. A 24 hour epidural service is provided, as is a dedicated obstetric theatre on the delivery suite. A high observation area is available on labour ward. Support for "sick" mothers is provided from the Critical Care team.
Dedicated Resident cover is provided 24 hours/day by trainees / Specialty Doctors, who are competent in Obstetric anaesthesia. Trainees are also attached on a modular basis for core obstetric anaesthetic training.
Candidates are encouraged to refer to the attached Job Description and Person Specification for further information