As members of a unitary board, Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) have a duty to act with a view to promoting the success of the organisation, maximising the benefits for its patients and the public.The Board is collectively responsible for the performance of the NHS Foundation Trust.
Non-Executive Directors constructively challenge and scrutinise the Trust's performance against agreed goals and objectives. They should satisfy themselves as to the integrity of financial, clinical and other information, and ensure that systems of governance and risk management are robust.
Non-Executive Directors play a crucial role within the Board as, in addition to any specific knowledge and skills that they may have, they provide an independent perspective.
Furthermore, it is the duty of a Non-Executive Director to uphold the highest standards of probity and integrity as per the Trust's values, as well as encouraging good relations within the Boardroom.
The post holder will be expected to chair the Audit Committee and participate fully as a member of any other assigned Committees.
Assist the Board of Directors in setting the strategic direction of the organisation, whilst considering the views of the Council of Governors.
Together with the Board of Directors, hold the Executive Team to account for the delivery of the agreed strategic objectives.
Provide constructive, considered and appropriate challenge to the Board of Directors.
Ensure that the Trust places patient safety at the heart of its work and that mechanisms are in place to ensure staff are able to speak up.
Together with the Board of Directors, ensure that the Trust manages risk effectively.
Participate in Board Service Visits and report findings back to Board in line with procedures.
Support the Chair, Chief Executive and Executive Directors in the governance and stewardship of the Trust.
Together with the Board of Directors, work with local communities and collaborate with partner organisations to address health inequalities and ensure that the Trust provides the best possible care for local communities.
Promote and support the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda.
Promote and uphold the Trust values and fulfill any assigned Non-Executive Director champion roles.
Non-Executive Directors should attend the formal Council of Governors meetings, held quarterly, and take part in Governor and NED working groups including the Working Together sessions. NEDs should consider the views and interests of the Council of Governors who are representing the views of the Trust's Membership.
As well as the general responsibilities noted above, the postholder will Chair the Audit Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to independently and objectively:
Review the integrity of the Trusts financial statements.
Oversee compliance with corporate governance standards and assurance processes across clinical and non-clinical activities.
Assist the Board of Directors in its oversight of risk management and the effectiveness of internal control Trust-wide
Oversee external and internal audit functions and the local counter fraud service, receiving assurance of their independence.
This Committee is responsible for:
Integrated governance
Internal audit
External audit
Financial reporting
Risk management and internal control
Counter fraud and security management
Other assurance functions
The postholder will also be required to:
Bring independent financial acumen to the work of the Audit Committee across its governance, risk management, assurance and internal control functions.
Escalate any areas to the Trust Board within the Committees responsibilities that have inadequate assurance or require further mitigation's.
Recommend the Annual Report, Accounts and Annual Governance Statement on behalf of the Committee for Trust Board sign off, once content that the documents present a fair and accurate view.
Work effectively with internal and external auditors and counter fraud specialists to ensure comprehensive oversight of the Trusts financial activity.
Be assured that the systems of internal control and governance are properly established and maintained.
Be satisfied that financial information is accurate and that financial controls and risk management systems are robust.