The post holder will work independently the majority of the time with support from the Clinical Director and GPs within the Wakefield Health Alliance Primary Care Network. Engaging with GP Partners and Practice Managers across Practices within the district. College Lane Surgery The Grange Park Green Surgery Langthwaite Surgery White Rose Surgery Rycroft Surgery The post holder will still work strictly in accordance with specific practice guidelines and protocols where applicable and will be responsible for supporting the partners of the Wakefield Health Alliance in implementing effective medicine management within the practices named above, identifying areas for improvement, initiating, and managing change.
Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to provide expertise in clinical medicines management for the Practice, leading on medicines review and management across all areas. Assess and advise Practice and patient need across the full range of prescribing and medication activities. Provide advice and guidance on the management of medicines and safe prescribing processes. Input and involvement with quality improvement processes and clinical audit.
Job responsibilities/Purpose of the Role
Develop and manage a medicines management plan and deliver patient services as determined by practice/PCN policy and local and national guidance.
Develop and manage the medicines management team, including delivery of training, to maximise cost-effective prescribing and improve the quality of patient care.
Work within their clinical competencies as part of a multi-disciplinary team to provide expertise in clinical medicines management, provide face to face structured medication reviews, manage long term conditions, management of medicines on transfer of care and systems for safer prescribing, manage repeat prescription authorisations and reauthorisation, acute prescription request, while addressing both the public health and social care needs of patients in the GP practice(s) that make up the PCN
Undertake medication review of patients with polypharmacy especially for older people, people in residential care homes and those with multiple co-morbidities.
Provide leadership on quality improvement and clinical audit and well as managing some aspects of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)
This role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and operational efficiencies so requires motivation and passion to deliver an excellent service within general practice.
The post holder will be supported to develop their role to become a non-medical prescriber if that qualification is not already held.
Patient Services
Provide medication review services to patients via clinics in the practice, domiciliary visits and in residential and nursing homes, and to deliver pharmaceutical care plans that maximise cost-effective prescribing and improve the quality of patient care.
Present at patient group meetings or other appropriate events to give advice on the appropriate use of medicines.
Produce patient information leaflets and posters and run medicine awareness projects throughout the year.
Assist partners with the appropriate monitoring and management of their prescribing budgets.
Prepare evidence-based resources and information to support the medicine management team and all other relevant health professionals in the implementation of rational cost-effective prescribing.
Help plan, develop, and support the introduction of new working processes within the practice to optimise the quality of prescribing
Responsibility for Administration
To provide regular support and feedback to practice on prescribing action plans.
To produce quarterly reports on practice progress to the lead GP for medicines management
To update and maintain accurate patient medication records on the practices clinical computer systems, including advice given and action taken.
To advise the primary health care team on the safe and secure handling of controlled drugs and other medicines, ensuring compliance with medicines legislation
See attached job description for full details.