NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Specialist Estates Services (NWSSP-SES) is committed to championing patient centred and sustainable healthcare environments. We achieve this by providing a range of professional and technical estates services for NHS Wales and policy advice for the Welsh Government's (WG) Department for Health and Social Services. You will be responsible for leading on the provision to WG of capital related business case scrutiny comments in order to inform capital investment decisions aimed at improving the NHS Wales estate. You will also oversee delivery stage activity to check compliance with original cost and other related business case parameters.
The provision of related advice and guidance on strategic estate planning as well as representing NHS Wales on Wales and UK wide working groups and committees are also fundamental aspects of the role.
As a Chartered Estates Professional e.g. RICS, CIOB, with a Master's degree, or equivalent experience, you will also have a good track record of managing professional staff and working credibly at a senior level within a related public or private sector organisation.
To become part of our team, apply today.
Welsh Government (Capital, Estates & Facilities) invests nearly £300m in capital per annum in development of the NHS Estate and its infrastructure. The PSEA QS works closely with SES colleagues to ensure that WG is provided with timely professional advice at all stages of their investment process.
The Principal Strategic Estates Advisor/QS (PSEA QS), using highly developed specialist knowledge, takes a lead role in providing professional and technical support to WG and Health Boards in planning and delivery of their major capital investment programme.
The PSEA (QS) will:
provide advice, guidance and support on a broad range of strategic estate planning issues in relation to the NHS estate, to Welsh Government (WG) and NHS organisations in Wales.
lead and coordinate the process of providing scrutiny comments on business cases submitted to WG for capital investment in the estate and associated infrastructure; thereafter oversee delivery stage activity to check compliance with original business case parameters.
have a thorough understanding of the 'How to Cost a Hospital' guidance published by NHS Estates, and historic cost analyses and index information published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
The ability to speak Welsh is desirable for this post; Welsh and/or English speakers are equally welcome to apply.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac