Applications are invited for the post of Consultant in Breast Surgery based at The Breast Centre at University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff.
The current team of Breast Surgeons provide a full range of operative procedures for patients, including a wide variety of oncoplastic techniques. There is a weekly multi-disciplinary meeting which is attended by all members of the team, including two Oncologists, Pathologists and Radiologists.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is recognised as a teaching centre of excellence in a wide range of clinical services.
Although this post is full-time, consideration will be given to applicants who require flexible working arrangements.
Applicants should either be on the Specialist Register or be a Specialist Registrar within six months of their expected date of receipt of a CCT / CESR(CP) at the time of interview.
You will be able to take advantage of the excellent Consultant contract for Wales. The basic salary range for this post is £106,000 per annum to £154,760 per annum.
Applicants must ensure they provide names and contact details of referees covering at least the last 3 years of their employment/training history in full. In addition, applicants who are currently or have most recently been employed as a substantive Consultant or as a Locum Consultant in post for more than 12 months must also provide the name of their Medical Director as an additional referee.
There is a regular multidisciplinary clinic for patients with genetic abnormalities and there is a close working arrangement with the Wales Cancer Genetics Service and the Plastic Surgery Unit based at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.
Patients are well supported by a team of very experienced Breast Care Nurses who work in close collaboration with the Consultant clinicians.
Members of the team are actively engaged in recruitment to national and international clinical trials and Consultants are encouraged to be actively involved in these.
The Breast Centre is also able to provide other services for patients such as complementary therapy, patient support sessions, in-house physiotherapy, and counselling services.
The work of The Breast Centre is supported by the Breast Centre Charity which does provides additional funding for some activities and equipment that is used to enhance patient care.
Academic interests will be encouraged; research and teaching in collaboration with Cardiff University's School of Medicine will be expected.
There is a full Job description which has been attached to the advert for a detailed overview of the role.