The Gastroenterology unit is a rapidly growing department comprising of a gastroenterology ward, endoscopy unit and outpatient clinics. There is a large multidisciplinary team including consultants, gastroenterology nurse specialists, dieticians and pharmacists.
The role of the IBD nurse involves working as part of the IBD team contributing to the ongoing running and development of the IBD service.
Over time the successful candidate will be trained to undertake both virtual and face to face clinics. They will also provide support for inpatients and those with newly diagnosed IBD on wards and in endoscopy and for outpatients via the IBD advice service.
The service has joint clinics in obstetrics, transition and surgery and a virtual biologics clinic weekly and it also runs patient panels and patient education evenings. It works closely with IBD UK and their standards to help improve the quality of care for IBD patients.
The team work closely with the research team to ensure IBD patients are able to access ongoing trials and studies.
Training will be provided in house by the multidisciplinary team working through a competency framework and with the support of external education programmes.
Over time there will be the opportunity to undergo more formalised academic study such as non-medical prescribing.
The Clinical Nurse Specialist is working beyond normal professional boundaries. They will practice with autonomy, within a defined multidisciplinary team and in accordance with local guidelines and protocols.
They will demonstrate specialist knowledge and skills in the specialist area of practice or within a defined patient group.
They will formulate clinical decisions and respond to actual and potential health problems appropriately. On occasions this may involve interpretation of local guidelines and protocols.
The post holder will be grounded in nursing and whilst undertaking advanced practice procedures provide holistic nursing care.
Please find attached to the vacancy a detailed person specification and job description for further information about this role.