We are looking for a Colorectal Cancer Nursing Team Administrator, to join our friendly growing team of Colorectal Cancer Specialist Nurses and Cancer Navigator, to provide clerical support to the Lower GI Nursing service at SWFT. There will be a range of administrative duties including typing clinic letters, recording data on spreadsheets and answering telephone calls and queries.
The role will also support the Stoma Team alongside the Cancer CNS team. Having an understanding of SWFT IT systems will be an advantage, however training will be provided.
Ideally the successful candidate will have previous experience of providing administrative services within the NHS.
To work as part of the colorectal cancer nursing team, the clinical endoscopist andthe stoma care nursing team in providing administrative support.
The post holder will be required to work within the team to provide acomprehensive and quality clerical service, while maintaining a high quality of support to the department and presenting a caring, professional and efficient service to patients and their families.
To support the management of the cancer pathway, Referral to treatment (RTT)and E referrals
To type all correspondence relating to outpatients clinics and adhocappointments for colorectal and stoma nurses along with the clinicalendoscopist
To request new and follow up appointments as required using the Lorenzosystem.
To receive enquires from patients and staff, resolving enquiries andforwarding more complex issues to the most appropriate member of theteam.
To update and maintain patient records ensuring accurate record keepingat all times.
To track appointments, investigations and results, exercising judgement toensure that clinical attention is urgently drawn to histology and radiologyresults and updated in the electronic record.
To take responsibility for any patient records that are kept within thecolorectal nursing office.
To open and distribute post prioritising any urgent post and ensuringrelevant documentation is attached in addition to acting promptly andappropriately to all email correspondence.
To plan and organise the Surgical Strategy meetings, booking appropriaterooms, inviting members of the team.
Taking minutes of the Surgical Strategy meeting and providing a draft copyto the chairperson for approval.
Taking responsibility for progressing action items from meetings, liaisingwith the multi-disciplinary team members to ensure position statements areavailable for following meetings.
To provide administrative support to the After-Bowel Cancer (ABC) supportgroup and maintain an up to date membership list and assist in thepreparation and distribution of the mail shot with the current chairperson
Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required
To have a good level of communication and be able to speak to both clinicalstaff and patients in a professional manner
To be competent in Excel and Word
To have high level working knowledge of the Trusts IT systems includingLorenzo, Evolve, ICE and Somerset
To be competent with Winscribe
To be compliant with Trusts mandatory training
To be empathetic with patients and relatives when dealing with sensitiveissues
To have good organisational skills and be able to prioritise workload sotasks are completed in a timely manner
Measurable Result Areas
The post holder will be accountable to the colorectal cancer lead nurse theywill be expected to work autonomously and organise their workloadappropriately to ensure letters and results are typed in a timely manner.
They will be responsible for ensuring that levels of stationary and patientinformation booklets are kept stocked appropriately.
To be financially aware and inform line manager if any high cost items arerequired
Communications and Working Relationships:
The post-holder will be dealing with patients who may have sensitive highlyemotive issues and will need to provide a professional caring attitudetowards them ensuring confidentiality and swift referral to a trained memberof the appropriate team.
To maintain a professional relationship with immediate and extended workcolleagues within the team