The post is based at Kettering general hospital although cross-site working is encouraged as a part of university hospitals of Northamptonshire (UHN).
The post holder will join an established cohesive team of radiologists supporting clinicians and delivering acute and elective imaging in both specialist areas and in general radiology. The post/s have developed to complement the existing expertise within the department and to manage expanding demands for imaging from the Emergency department, Cancer services, as well as the general diagnostic imaging workload.
This post/s would support emergency radiology, cancer imaging reporting, attending multi disciplinary team meetings, and covering Ultrasound (if appropriate), CT and MR session in the working week.
This role includes all aspects of a radiologist role, including but not limited to vetting, reporting, MDT preparation (specific to the sub-speciality), duty (hot reporting /CT/MRI and emergency service) and on call.
Role specific
Work with colleagues to provide a consultant-led service with the highest standard of care.
Work with the multi-professional team to develop care pathways and clinical guidelines.
To provide support cross-site to cover any gaps across UHN when necessary.
Develop and maintain good working practices with wards, outpatients, and the ED departments.
Collaborate and promote close working links with colleagues, other departments, and primary care.
Offer educational, clinical support and leadership and junior medical colleagues, radiology colleagues and other members of the multi-disciplinary teams.
Ensure appropriate information is made available to staff to measure clinical performance and enable meaningful benchmarks to be established and evaluated within your area of responsibility.
Ensure there is a robust process for reviewing the quality of services provided, explaining the causes of success and failure and ensure the highest standards are maintained.
Provide a role model of professional leadership, which underpins the corporate values and behaviours agreed by the organisation, ensuring these are understood and demonstrated by the medical workforce within your area and take remedial action where poor behaviour are demonstrated.
Ensure that junior doctors training conforms to royal college of radiology requirements.
Participate in the appraisal of medical staff within the department in line with the trust's agreed policy.
All consultants will undergo appraisal and revalidation, comply with the terms and conditions of the organization, and ensure their statutory and mandatory training is current and compliant.