King's is seeking a dynamic, energetic manager to take the lead in managing the Pathology Care Group services.
Pathology laboratory services at King's College Hospital are currently supplied via a Joint Venture, which is a partnership between King's, Guy's & St. Thomas' Trust and Synnovis (Provider). These services include Diagnostic Haematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Histopathology, Immunology and Phlebotomy, Virology and Microbiology services. Specialist laboratory services, including Neuropathology, Liver Laboratories and Molecular Haematology diagnostics.
The Pathology Care Group Deputy General Manager will directly line manage: Transfusion Practitioners, Mortuary, Bereavement and the Medical Examiners service, Medical Staffing manager, Care Group admin staff and provide operational line management to the Clinical leads in managing the Consultants body.
The post holder has a pivotal role in developing good working relationships between the Trust, Pathology Business Unit and Synnovis (Trusts current Pathology provider). The post holder will need to have a broad understanding and Knowledge of all Pathology disciplines (Diagnostic Haematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Histopathology, Immunology and Phlebotomy, Virology and Microbiology services) and work with the Pathology Consultants, Consultants from the Clinical services, PBU and at times directly with Synnovis to ensure the best interests of the Trust, patients and consultants are met and that requirements/needs of the Trusts broader clinical services are understood and met.
The post holder will lead the development and interaction between the Synnovis / PBU / King's (on behalf of the Trusts Clinical services, ensuring performance and clinical governance standards are adhered to and providing advice to the Care Group Triumvirate and PBU.
The post holder will have a key role advising and working with the Triumvirate on strategic management of the clinical pathology and other services in the Care Group and leading or contributing to the Care Group performance, governance and financial targets including having budget responsibilities and leading on CIP (cost saving) initiatives.