We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic new consultant to join our current team of 14 consultants. This is a full time fixed term post with main commitment in gynaecology and some obstetric component. It includes contribution to the non-resident on call rota for both obstetrics and gynaecology. The post will be of interest to both, a newly qualified consultant as well as an established consultant with special interest in gynae oncology and/or benign gynaecology.
Special interests and accredited training in Gynae oncology are desirable for this post in addition to a broad range of generic skills in Obstetrics and gynaecology. Additional skills and experience in risk management and gynae ultrasound would also be desirable.
The ability to work within a multidisciplinary team is essential. Applicants must be both flexible in their approach and be ready to meet the challenges presented by the evolving health service changes in North Wales. The appointee will be expected to participate in all aspects of work including outpatient clinic sessions in obstetrics and gynaecology, peripheral clinics, labour ward and gynaecology operating theatre lists.
The job plan is detailed in the attached appendices and is for 10 sessions. The rota frequency and work pattern out of hours is reviewed on a regular basis and changes may be necessary in future to adapt to changes in the department. Some sessions in the job plan are buddied with another consultant to provide further support to the new consultant and encourage individual development. It is anticipated that the appointee will be dedicating part of their SPA session for an educational role (educational supervision and teaching/training). The appointee will be sharing office space and secretary with existing consultants.
You will be able to find the full Job Description and Person Specification in the supporting documents.