University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is delighted to offer a fantastic opportunity to work with us.
Please see below for detailed job description of the role.
Online applicants are welcome to apply for the post of Junior Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery (12 months fixed term appointment with potential to renew the contract).
The department is a high-volume cardiothoracic centre performing upwards of 1200 cardiac cases and 800-900 thoracic cases per year, delivering some of the best outcomes in the UK. The unit has a strong ethos of training and research, with projects frequently leading to publications in peer-reviewed journals and international presentations. The successful candidate will work with 12 other senior house officers (including 3 FY2 doctors). The rota is based on a 1:13 on call shift pattern. There are 20 registrars supporting the SHO level doctors as well as advanced nurse practitioners on the wards and surgical care practitioners in theatres.
This position provides training opportunities in the care for cardiothoracic surgical patients in the pre- and post-operative setting. The fellow will work at a senior house officer (FY2 CT2) level and will have days allocated to cardiac and thoracic wards, cardiac high dependency unit and theatre. In theatre, there is opportunity to act as a first assistant in cardiac and thoracic cases, perform basic thoracic procedures and parts of cardiac procedures and progress to improve surgical skills and experience. There are many opportunities to perform ward-based procedures (such as arterial line and chest drain insertion) and undertake audit or research leading to presentations and publications. Full supervision and training will be provided for the involvement of the successful candidate in theatre (no previous operative surgical experience is necessary). Advice and support is available for candidates who are considering a career in surgery. Fellows with an interest in cardiothoracic surgery may have the opportunity to be trained to progress to a registrar position.
Applicants must have full GMC registration with license to practice. Other qualifications, MRCS part A or B or equivalent and previous experience in cardiology or cardiothoracic surgery would be desirable.
Routine ward-based skills such as peripheral venepuncture and IV cannulation, urinary catheter insertion, basic ECG interpretation and recognition of the deteriorating patient, history-taking and examination. You will be well supported throughout your duties and are expected to escalate any concerns to the registrars and/or consultants.
Appointment will be made under local contractual terms and conditions of service for Trust appointed (non-training fellow doctors and dentists).
Successful candidates will have an educational framework equivalent to training grade doctors, and there will be a named educational supervisor assigned at the start of the post. The opportunity for Continued Professional Development (CPD) is highly supported and encouraged by the Trust, with options available to take study leave. All licensed doctors must meet the GMC requirements for revalidation and there will be an annual appraisal to support this process.
Grades for Trust appointed (non-training) fellows will be paid a basic salary at a nodal pay point linked to the grade, at the rate set out in the National Medical and Dental pay circular. Basic salary detailed below plus any additional remuneration (as applicable) for hours set out in the doctors work schedule (e.g. additional hours, weekend allowance, and any hours which attract enhanced pay)
Basic Salary MT£49,909
Travelling expenses will not be paid for attending interview
Please note that GMC registration (with a licence to practice) and right to work in the UK are essential for this role. Successful applicants will already have GMC registration or will be able to demonstrate they are eligible. Applicants requiring Tier 2 sponsorship should ensure they meet the Home Office application criteria prior to applying.
Interviews will be held on TBC
Job Reference: MT1295 - This vacancy closes on or before 14th November 2024