It is no secret that we have an outstanding rating from the CQC, our staff survey results are one of the best in the country, that we are leaders in digital maturity and that we have a mature Quality Improvement approach to innovation and development.
What else we can offer you? Besides all of this is the chance to have time to pursue your own interests, so if they lie in R&D, QI, or management & leadership well support you.
In 2021 Berkshire Healthcare was 4th out of the 48 community and mental health trusts for the number of research projects we recruited to, and have refreshed our research strategy and are looking for enthusiastic colleagues to develop and implement our research programme.
QI, the Trust is very active in terms of quality improvement, including the opportunity to gain fully accredited QI qualifications.
If you wish to play a pivotal role in leading and developing the service, the opportunities are there. Equally if you wish to develop in this area, we are happy to support and nurture your talent to allow you to take on such roles in the future.
Please see the attached Consultant job description together with the person specification for this role.
Please see the attached Consultant job description together with the person specification for this role.