Clinical Psychologist & Cognitive Behaviour Therapist:At Risk Mental State (ARMS) and Early Intervention in Psychosis Service
A qualified psychologist competent in delivery of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) is required to work in our Early Intervention in Psychosis service. There will be a particular focus on At Risk Mental State patient identification and CBT delivery, as well as management/resolution of any bio-psycho-social patient issues that arise outside of the CBTp sessions. They will also provide non-ARMS functions spread across the week and sites including but not limited to: CBT for non-ARMS patients; supervision of prequalification staff on CBTp-related placements; supervision of Assistant Psychologists who help clinically; supervision of band 6 Care Co-ordinators (nurses, social workers, occupational therapists); contribution to daily whole EIS team multidisciplinary meetings; and other non-ARMS functions as required by the EIS Team Manager. Applicants must have experience of delivering CBTp to NHS psychosis clients. The work locations are Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster
The successful applicant may have contact with patients or service users. As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings.
To provide a clinical service. Primarily, support the Team in identifying, formulating, managing and intervening with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis for patients in an At Risk Mental State, as well as managing any bio-psycho-social patient issues that arise outside of the CBT sessions.
You will require excellent engagement skills, with an enabling approach to co-production with your patients. You should be skilled in assessing mental health, creating risk assessments, safety plans and crisis and contingency plans.