Locally Employed Doctor (Higher) in Emergency Medicine QEHBinBirminghaminBirminghamPUBLISHED THU 14 DEC 2023

Band Doctor - other  FIXEDTERM 

In addition to the above clinical duties, the successful candidate will be expected to fully participate in the department's educational activities, which may include the teaching of medical students, nurses and other groups. The department is committed to education and training of all staff groups and the successful candidate will be expected to play an active role in audit and other clinical governance activities. The appointee will be required to undergo an annual appraisal and subsequently revalidation as determined by the General Medical Council.

Applications are invited for the post of Locally Employed Doctor to work at Higher level at the QE Hospital Birmingham. This is a full time post for a 6-12 month period and is the equivalent of StR 3+ level. Queen Elizabeth Hospital is one of the four level 1 major trauma centres in the West Midlands. The department sees over 100,000 new patients every year. We see a large number of high acuity patients which means our work is clinically challenging but highly rewarding. The department has a fully computerised medical records system which facilitates research and audit. There is an active audit and research programme which the successful applicant would be expected to participate in.

The department has 6 resuscitation bays and 16 majors' cubicles. The minor injury and illness area has four consulting rooms, separate eye/ENT room with slit lamp, plaster room and operating theatre for minor procedures. The department is supported by 24 hours portering, bed management and reception team.

There is Consultants' presence in the department from 08:00-24:00 hours with middle grade cover from midnight to 08:00 hours. There are Consultant led review clinics 5 times a week.

All will work a full shift rota (48 Hours)

The successful candidate will be expected to provide initial treatment of new patients presenting to the department including the Resuscitation room. He/she will also provide support and advice to more junior doctors and liaise with the Consultants and relevant other specialities as and when required. He/she will also liaise with the sister/nurse in charge to organise the smooth running of the department with attention to the floor management in line with the national targets.


Locations are approximate. Learn more