The Department of Neurosurgery is the only provider of neurosurgical care in the West of London (previously North West Thames Region). Comprehensive neurosurgical care is provided for both emergency and elective adult cranial and spinal neurosurgical patients, and paediatric neurotrauma cases.At Charing Cross Hospital (CXH), there are 25 beds on 11 South ward (the acute neurosurgical ward), and a further 3 beds on 10 North ward, with two CT scanners, two MRI scanners, and up to date angiographic equipment for endovascular management of neurovascular pathologies, as well as a 24/7 thrombectomy service. There are daily elective cranial and spinal operating lists, and access to the NCEPOD theatre as required. St Mary's Hospital (SMH) receives all the acute cranial and spinal emergencies including neurotrauma, with the exception of neurovascular work, which is managed at CXH. At SMH, patients are cohorted onto the Intensive Care Units, a 19 bed Major Trauma Ward, as well as other surgical wards. At SMH here are three CT scanners, three MRI scanners, and a dedicated neurosurgery emergency operating list Monday to Friday, as well as access to the NCEPOD list as clinically indicated.
The Trust Resident Doctor (at SpR/ST3+ equivalent level) has the responsibility for the management of common acute and elective neurosurgical conditions, both cranial and spinal. The post holder will share a rota to carry the on-call bleep and take online as well as telephone queries regarding patients from surrounding District General Hospitals. The post holder will be expected to attend theatre either as the primary or assistant surgeon, and to review patients in the outpatient setting (face to face and remotely). They will also be expected to participate in the regular Multi-Disciplinary Team and Mortality and Morbidity meetings, undertake audits/Quality Improvement work, contribute to teaching with preparation of case presentations as per the teaching rota, and supervise the resident doctors (at SHO level) and multi-professional neurosurgical workforce.
The duties are performed at both Charing Cross and St Mary's Hospitals.
Clinical staffing (to include key research/practice interests)
a. The post provides excellent experience in acute and elective cranial and spinal neurosurgery and is suitable for those pursuing a career in neurosurgery.
b. The post is not recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons for Training purposes. Seminars are organised for further postgraduate teaching and there are opportunities to take study leave.
c. There are weekly MDT meetings with Neurovascular, Neuro-oncology, Skull Base, Pituitary Complex Spine, CSF Disorders, Craniofacial, and Functional subspecialties.
3 Key areas of responsibilities
Provide high quality care to patients in Neurosurgery
The post holder must be medically qualified and maintain GMC registration.
o To develop and maintain the competencies necessary to carry out the duties required of the post.
o To ensure patients are involved in decisions about their care and to respond to their views.
Research, teaching and training
o Where possible to collaborate with academic and clinical colleagues to enhance the Trusts translational research portfolio, at all times meeting the full requirements of research governance.
o To provide high quality teaching to medical undergraduates and members of other health care professions as required by Clinical Director.
Performance management
o To work with medical, nursing, allied health and managerial colleagues to ensure high performance in the following areas:
Clinical efficiency e.g. LOS reductions, reducing cancelled operations and DNA rates.
Quality of outcomes e.g. infection control targets, reducing re-admission rates
Operational efficiency e.g. day-case rates, waiting list activity and demand management.
o To participate in clinical audit, incident reporting and analysis and to ensure resulting actions are implemented.
o To ensure clinical guidelines and protocols are adhered to by junior medical staff and updated on a regular basis.
o To keep fully informed about best practice in the speciality areas and ensure implications for practice changes are discussed with the divisional director/clinical director
o To role model good practice for infection control to all members of the multidisciplinary team.
Leadership and team working
o To demonstrate excellent leadership skills with regard to individual performance, clinical teams, the Trust and when participating in national initiatives.
o To work collaboratively with all members of the multi-disciplinary team and Imperial College London as required.
o To resolve conflict and difficult situations through negotiation and discussion, involving appropriate parties.
o To adhere to Trust/departmental guidelines on leave including reporting absence.