The post holder will be responsible for producing timely and accurate monthly budget reports, financial and activity analysis, forecasts, and variance analysis for several of the Trust's Directorates. This will include supporting budget holders in the production of annual business plans and in the budget setting process.
The post holder will be responsible for ensuring that all financial plans and developments of Directorates align with the Trust's strategies and organisational priorities.
The post holder will be required to meet regularly with budget holders at all levels of the Organisation and provide expert advice on financial policy, planning and controls to ensure that budgets are managed appropriately. This will include identifying risks and opportunities and responding to these by formulating and implementing appropriate actions.
The post holder will provide financial advice and information to the Directorate Accountant, the Head of Financial Reporting, the Deputy Directors of Finance, and the Director of Finance, to aid in decision making.
For a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the role, including all its specific requirements and responsibilities, please consult the attached Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides an in-depth overview that will give you a clear and detailed picture of what the position entails.
Please note, should you be successful in your application, you will be required to undergo pre-employment checks, prior to receiving an unconditional offer, if full employment checks cannot be achieved (this will include existing and unserved disciplinary sanctions), then your offer may be withdrawn.
How to applyStep 1 - Read the advert and the Job Description and Person Specification (attached)Step 2 - Complete the Supporting Statement - Your statement needs to indicate how you meet each of the criteria contained within the Person Specification.Step 3 - Complete the online application and upload your statement. Please note, CVs are not accepted.