CNWL are currently looking for a Consultant Psychiatrist on Amazon Ward, an Inpatient ward at St Charles Hospital Mental Health Unit.
The Mental Health Unit at St Charles Hospital has 4 acute admissions wards for the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Borough of Westminster, each with 17 beds (except Danube ward which has 16 beds). Admissions are from the local CMHTs, HTTs or Psychiatric liaison services; all admissions are gatekept by HTT.
The inpatient teams at St Charles Hospital work closely together in a supportive and collaborative manner and have close links with our community teams to ensure we provide high quality, safe and effective care to the people of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster with mental health needs.
Additionally, we are offering a £20,000 Golden Hello (pro rata for part-time) for those in post for 2 years.
*Job Description pending Royal College approval*
To provide consultant psychiatric input to a 17 bedded, mixed sex ward as part of a multi-disciplinary service. The role is to provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment package of care to all patients with a view to facilitate early discharge from hospital and to work closely with colleagues in the Acute Services to continuously improve the quality of acute care. The ward is a direct admission ward, admitting patients who are acutely unwell and treating them until discharge from hospital.
The post holder will have principal duties to provide clinical care to Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster residents admitted to Amazon Ward. They will be supported by the MDT team that includes a Higher Specialty Trainee (ST- full time), 1 Core Trainee and 1 GPVTS and an FY, as well as Occupational therapist, pharmacist and psychologist.
The post holder will provide joint leadership with the ward manager, for the performance culture of the ward, ensuring best practice is employed across the ward, and that the Trusts quality and productivity targets are met.
They will promote good clinical care for all patients for both their mental health and physical health.
A key feature of the Acute Service vision is that in-patient care is delivered by an integrated multi-disciplinary team with a shared sense of ownership for the ward environment as well as the clinical services provided.
The post holder will adopt a pragmatic leadership style as a way of promoting this type of ward environment, thus ensuring collaborative working both at a clinical and an operational level.
The post holder will be expected to participate in Quality Improvement and service evaluation projects and will be encouraged to undertake any research which may be relevant to either short or long-term service improvement.
Together with the Matron and ward manager the post holder will provide overall clinical leadership for the Ward Multidisciplinary team as well as direct clinical assessments and consultations for the Team, including the following: Medical input, consultation and clinical leadership to the ward, and overall clinical responsibility for patients admitted to the unit. Medical input and leadership in care planning and risk assessment for patients subject to the care planning process. Responsible Clinician with responsibilities of attendance at and report-writing for Mental Health Tribunals and Managers hearings. Regular clinical liaison with Community Mental Health Teams including forensic community services, prison services, the Home Treatment Team to ensure timely discharge of patients. Medical input and clinical leadership in line with the Trusts strategic objectives as described on the page 10.