Expected Shortlisting Date:
Planned Interview Date:
The Respiratory Research Team is recruiting!
The Research and Innovation Department is continuing its exciting expansion. We have several research specialities and the Respiratory research portfolio is looking for a clinical Research Nurse.
It is a full time post (1.0WTE), with a permanent contract .This post will be based at St James University Hospital.
The post holder will contribute actively to the conduct, coordination, and delivery of the Respiratory Research Portfolio including recruitment, data collection and governance of the trials. This is in addition of being responsible for ensuring that high standards of clinical care planning, delivery, safety, and patient satisfaction are to a very high standard and compliant with Trust policy, study protocol requirements and local and national guidance and legislation .
The successful candidate will be involved in ensuring that research undertaken within the department safeguards the wellbeing of patients and is conducted within the confines of ICH Good Clinical Practice Guidelines for Research, EU directive, UK Governance Framework and other relevant UK legislation pertaining to the conduct and delivery of research.
If you are interested in the post, we would like to encourage you to contact the recruiting manager for an informal discussion.
We are looking to recruit a proactive and self-motivated, individual with a keen interest in research to work within the Respiratory team.
The post-holder will work as part of, and be supported by a well-established multi-disciplinary research team with a strong track record of producing high impact, translational research to deliver high quality clinical care to patients during their participation in both interventional and observational studies. The post will cover both the inpatient and outpatient settings with the caseload varying in size and complexity according to the trial portfolio.
Once trained, you will have responsibility for leading on a portfolio of clinical research studies. You will be tasked with liaising with clinical teams to recruit eligible patients, deliver clinical interventions (including dosing) and conduct tests according to specific study protocols. You will support junior members of staff within the team and act as a champion for research within the clinical areas.
You will also be responsible for study follow up, data entry, ensuring patient safety and maintaining high levels of quality assurance and data integrity.
The post holder will be required to work alongside industry partners, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) the Research Delivery Network Yorkshire and Humber (RDN,Y&H) and colleagues in neighbouring establishments, attending regional and national meetings as required.
The post holder will contribute actively to the conduct, coordination and delivery of the
Raspatory Research Portfolio, under the leadership of the
Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP. Working effectively with the immediate and
broader multidisciplinary team (MDT), being responsible for ensuring that high
standards of clinical care planning, delivery, safety and patient satisfaction is to a very
high standard, compliant with Trust policy, study protocol requirements, local and
national guidance and legislation.
The post holder will support the Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP, Principle
Investigators and associated multidisciplinary colleagues in the planning, scheduling,
conduct, recruitment, patient care, support and data collection required for all studies
within the department. They will be responsible for developing their own clinical
practice, maintaining competencies (related to the research portfolio) and where
appropriate taking delegated responsibility for the clinical elements of studies in line
with Trust policies and study protocols.
Working effectively and proactively with agreed external agencies and collaborative
partners, the individual will adhere to agreed study pathways and processes to
derive accurate and robust data capture, and ensure pharmacovigilance is
The post holder will be involved in ensuring that research undertaken within the
department safeguards the wellbeing of patients and is conducted within the
confines of ICH Good Clinical Practice Guidelines for Research, EU directive, UK
Governance Framework and other relevant UK legislation pertaining to the conduct
and delivery of research.
The post holder will act as a role model developing the research team and ensuring
effective management of the department in the absence of the Senior Research
During exceptional times of need, you will contribute to clinical service, as agreed
with the Matron for the CSU and in line with the Trusts escalation policy.
Registered Nurse (Level 1 or 2) (RN Adult for adult areas, RN Child for childrens
areas) Midwife or HCPC registered AHP or Clinical Research Practitioner
registered to the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS)
Recognised post-registration qualification in specialty
Recognised teaching/assessing qualification (desirable)
Significant post registration experience
Experience of computer database and administration
Working with a wide range of professionals including medical, nursing and
management colleagues
Experience of dealing with highly complex situations
Experience of providing and receiving highly complex information
Ability to communicate effectively within a multi-disciplinary team
Time management skills
IT skills
Insight into clinical specialty
Insight into clinical research specific issues
Standards of professional practice
Personal Attributes
Professional and patient focused
Flexible, adaptable, capable of lateral thinking
Excellent interpersonal skills
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Highly developed communication skills
Time management skills
Organisational skills
Research awareness
Leadership skills
Team player
Ability to act professionally at all times
Understanding and acting upon change
Ability to use own initiative
Teaching skills
Understanding of the local and national nursing research agenda
Understanding of relevant National Service Frameworks
Awareness of Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust guidelines and policies
Understanding of organisational structures
Understanding of the National and local research agenda
Support the Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP in providing leadership to the
research team
With the Senior Research Nurse/Midwife help provide clear leadership for the
multidisciplinary team ensuring standards are maintained and patient safety
Support and inspire staff to provide efficient, effective, safe, quality care to patients
Deliver a positive patient experience
Promote the building of effective teams and collaboration between teams
Anticipate problems and take preventative or mitigating actions, or have contingency
plans available
Assist in the line management of the research team, including individual and team
performance, attendance, management and workforce planning
Support the Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP to investigate and respond to
accidents, complaints, untoward incidents and other significant events
Support the delivery of an effective, safe, quality service within budgetary envelope
Raise and respond to concerns with regards to risk, danger, malpractice or wrong
doing by following the LTHT Whistleblowing policy and supporting processes.
Deputise for Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP in their absence
Clinical Research
To assist the Senior Research Nurse/Midwife/AHP with the generation, upkeep and
distribution of clinical research protocols within the CSU
To take delegated responsibility for the coordination and delivery of a portfolio of
clinical research studies, ensuring that participants receive high standards of patient
focused care in accordance with Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust guidelines,
policies and the trial protocol throughout their participation.
To provide on-going advice and information to patients/volunteers with regard to
their participation in clinical research in order to facilitate effective informed consent
and to maintain a supportive role throughout the trial.
Ensure that you obtain and maintain high levels of understanding in relation to the
clinical and delivery of the research studies that you support.
To assist in the assessment of patients/volunteers for eligibility for research and
monitoring of their condition throughout their participation.
To coordinate trial investigations, treatments and procedures according to trial
protocols and professional body the person in post belongs to.
Help obtain ethical and local approval for projects.
Liaise with, and prepare submissions, for the Trust Research & Innovation
department (R&I) for new clinical trials and provide annual updates of trial activity
Word processing standard letters and other communications as appropriate
To accurately collate data on relevant trial pro-formas within a pre-determined
timeframe and respond to data queries.
To liaise with representatives from pharmaceutical commercial companies and
prepare data for monitoring by these representatives.
To accurately and promptly report and document Serious Adverse Events, or
Reactions, to the relevant clinician, Sponsor and authorities within the required
timelines, ensuring any interventions or modifications are carried out.
To accurately report and document Adverse Events, or Reactions, and ensure any
modifications required as a consequence are carried out.
Assist in the preparation of results of research for presentation as posters or
scientific presentation
To perform clinical tasks when required for research purposes. (Included
venepuncture and central line access for Registered Nurse/Midwife)
To process, store and despatch blood, urine and other biological samples according
to trial protocols and Trust policies and guidelines.
To assist other members of the team in providing when necessary 24 hour support
and advice for Phase I, II, III and pharmacokinetic studies
For registered Nurses/Midwifes: To safely administer trial medications in adherence
to Trust policies and research protocols. To educate patients and their carers with
regards to trial medications particularly when medications require home self-administration
Clinical Service and Professional Responsibilities
To work as part of the multidisciplinary team and contribute to the on-going
development of the department.
To be responsible for maintaining strong relationships and positive communication
channels with other key personnel and internal and external partner departments.
To take an active role in education and training of various groups with regards to
specific trial requirements and clinical research in general.
To take an active role in regional research networks.
To act in an advisory capacity for regional or national groups if required.
To fulfil the requirements as directed by the registration body the person in post
belongs to (for example: Nursing and Midwifery Council or Health and Care
Professions Council to maintain and revalidate registration)
To observe the confidentiality of patient information at all times, in accordance with the
Data Protection Act and local information governance policy.
To be conversant with cardiac arrest, major incident and fire procedures as they relate
to your local clinical area and the wider Trust.
To be conversant with and adhere to all clinical protocols, local departmental and
Trust protocols.
Undertake duties on other wards or departments as and when required by service
demands or patient need.
To be actively involved in any Patient and Public Involvement initiatives
Act in such a way that safeguards the health and wellbeing of children and vulnerable
adults at all times. Is familiar with and adheres to, the LTHT safeguarding policies
Actively promote and use The Leeds Improvement Method to improve quality and
safety of the service.
Maintain an active knowledge of the Trusts clinical and research IT systems