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Write a very short cover letter in British English to NHS England for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
TEL Education Platforms Learner Assistant with NHS England in Manchester
The Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TEL) delivers innovative programmes and services thatfacilitatethe effective use of learning technologies and simulation-based education. This supports the delivery of NHS England'sobjectives, as well as those of other stakeholders in the health and care sectors, both regionally and nationally. The team plays a key role in shaping policy related to educational delivery, workforce transformation, learning and development, and digital technology advancement. It provides thought leadership, guidance, and delivers digital services, programmes, and projects either independently or in collaboration with other initiatives. The TEL Education Platforms Learner Assistant will: Responsible for leading the TEL product support, ensuring the service is continuously developed and supportive of our user community. Ensuring transparency with our user community. Supporting the Support Leads Support Leads in product development activities. Involvement in TEL projects. Assisting the Platform Team with the registration of users for the NHS Digital Cyber Security Programme. Testing of e-learning content and recording of results via appropriate test sheet / document. Sending, receiving and validating user account bulk upload data from organisations in line appropriate secure transfer policy. Liaising with local administrators and setting required reporting permissions. Dealing with subsequent queries on report data and user access in conjunction with the rest of the Platform Team via email, support tickets and Live Chat. Recording of progress and identifying any potential related issues. The role is seen as a "step" role in developing a career in product support and service development in a complex programme that is business-led, user-centred and has an Agile software development approach. In general, your role will support: Putting the needs of the business first Focusing on delivery and outcomes Being open and transparent About us Thepostholderwill work across NHS England and the wider operating landscape, to develop, support and continuously improve the technical architecture models and their lower-level components. The role reports totheTELEducation Platforms Learner Support Leadswithin NHSE to ensure coordination and alignment of business requirements and transformation, technologies, applications and data perspectives with the relevant policies, strategies,governanceand technology that have been chosen to support a coherent and sustainable approach to managing information and technology. You can find further details about the job, in the attached Job Description and other supporting documents.