An opportunity has arisen for an experienced Caterer to join our Facilities management team. The post holder will have delegated responsibility for the operational management of Catering Services within the Health Board's facilities across the Central Area including Glan Clwyd Hospital and community hospitals.
The manager will also be expected to take a lead in identifying and implementing change and providing demonstrable improvement and excellence in food services for patients, staff and visitors. Therefore experience of managing Catering Services within Healthcare or related service is essential.
The ability to speak Welsh is desirable for this post; Welsh and/or English speakers are equally welcome to apply.
The Catering manager will be required to provide the necessary expertise to ensure the provision of a safe service that complies with all relevant legislation. They will take a lead role in identifying and managing all health and safety and risk issues within the service, following good risk management practices.
They will be responsible for maintaining, adapting and developing systems and processes to meet the ever changing needs of the service. This will include working closely with Catering staff and other healthcare colleagues to ensure that all patient and retail menus meet relevant nutritional and dietary requirements arising from clinical, religious and cultural needs and that systems of supply, storage and delivery are in place to enable this to be achieved.
Excellent budgetary management skills are required as the post holder will be accountable for the management of a delegated budget.
The ability to provide outstanding leadership and staff management is also essential to ensure that the Catering function operates effectively and harmoniously and in accordance with the Health Board's Workforce Policies and good practices. The role will include dealing with recruitment, induction and absence management and ensuring that expected standards of conduct and behaviour are observed.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac.