We are looking for a dynamic salaried GP to join the team at St James Medical Centre . We are based in leafy Rossendale close to good motorway links and accessible from Manchester, Bury, Rochdale and East Lancs. We are a well run practice and can offer good admin and nurse support along with regular peer support over great coffee!
The role encompasses the following:
Provide GP services to a population of 9,500 including a share of the following workload.
Telephone triage and face to face consultation where needed including visits as necessary.
Admin, pathology results, EPS. We have a correspondance management system in place which minimises GP input.
Attendance and input into practice meetings, GSF, learning reviews etc
Involvement in quality improvement work.
Key Responsibilities:
This job description is not exhaustive and may be amended from time to time during the employer and employee review at appraisal.
Safeguarding Children and Adults
The organisation has a zero tolerance approach to the abuse of children, young people and vulnerable adults. All employees are required to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people and comply with the Local Safeguarding Children Board Procedures and the Children Act (1989, 2004). In accordance with the CCG and Local Safeguarding Adult Board policy all staff must ensure the health and wellbeing of vulnerable adults is appropriately safeguarded.
All staff are required to attend training appropriate to their role in safeguarding children and adults, which includes understanding and recognising the signs of abuse and knowing how to raise concerns when those signs of abuse are noticed in a person.
Working within primary care you may gain knowledge of confidential matters which may include personal and medical information about patients and staff. Such information must be considered strictly confidential and must not be discussed or disclosed. Failure to observe this confidentiality could lead to disciplinary action being taken against you. 71
Codes of Conduct and Accountability:
You are expected to comply with relevant CCG/Practice codes of conduct and accountability.
Health and Safety:
In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other supplementary legislation, you are required to take reasonable care to avoid injury during the course of work and co-operate with CCG/Practice and others in meeting statutory regulations. You are also required to attend statutory training as required to fulfil your duties.
To comply with safety instructions and CCG/Practice policies and procedures. To use in a proper safe manner the equipment and facilities provided.
To refrain from willful misuse of, or interference with, anything provided in the interest of health and safety and any action, which might endanger yourself and others.
To report as soon as practical any hazards and defects to your senior manager.
To report as soon as practical accidents and untoward incidents and to ensure that accident forms are completed.