The post holder will:
Develop Locality based strategies to improve the physical health of, and reduce preventable physical health mortality of patients being treated for a serious mental health condition within Cardiff and Vale UHB.
Develop, design physical health pathways through cooperative working with our GP colleagues within primary care.
Empower our patients to choose healthy behaviours and through expert patient education programmes, encourage self-management of conditions.
Utilise their skills to lead their identified locality in ensuring that physical health care is embedded within the regular practice of the wider team.
Support the Locality in making substantial and sustained progress in ensuring that patients are receiving their annual physical health check and associated tests and observations. Ensuring where required, associated action is taken to address any areas of concern, for example, elevated BP, obesity, substance misuse, cholesterol levels, smoking etc.
Work as a full integrated member of the Adult Mental Health Locality team, combining pre-existing physical health and mental health skills, to promote the physical health and wellbeing of our patients.
This role offers the opportunity to help develop existing and future initiatives in physical health assessment, monitoring and intervention, whilst being supported to be innovative in the way we offer holistic care.
To lead on the provision and completion of a range of relevant physical health assessments for an identified client caseload within the Locality, initially focussed on people with serious mental illness and prescribed antipsychotic medication.
To support and educate colleagues in how to undertake health promotion interventions.
To be accountable and responsible, with Locality Senior team, for the implementation of agreed physical health pathways.
To undertake a supportive role in complex cases where physical health needs are identified.
The delivery of skilled nursing physical health assessments to patients whose needs are best met in the community including the patient's own home or other care setting.
As directed by the Lead CMHN, to support and compliment where necessary the facilitation of the Locality Clozapine clinic and associated demands.
To identify the educational support and training requirements to improve the team's knowledge of physical health and wellbeing of the service user group and enable the team to understand relevant procedures and implement evidence-based care.
To be accountable for the development and delivery of the ongoing Adult Mental Health Directorate's Physical Health agenda.
To contribute to ongoing service development including developing and refining of access criteria, clinical protocols and clinical pathways relevant to physical health needs.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac