To assist in the examination of a wide range of clinical samples from patients, in order to determine the laboratory diagnosis, and the appropriate treatment, of infection due to bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Samples may additionally include other samples related to the potential for cause or spread of infection and samples for the purpose of screening patients for the carriage of significant organisms.
To carry out such bacteriological, serological or molecular diagnostic procedures as deemed applicable, working in conjunction with registered Biomedical Scientist (BMS) staff. This is a Laboratory support post with all activity being supervised by an HCPC registered Biomedical Scientist.
To supervise, mentor, support and work with Senior Assistant Technical Officers (SATOs), Assistant Technical Officers (ATOs), and other support staff, to facilitate the smooth running of the service.
***Please note that applications from temporary workers who have been engaged with the Trust for a minimum of 3 months are welcome.
Please be aware of minimum salary requirements for UK visa's
The post holder will work together with senior staff and support staff in all sections of the Microbiology & Blood Sciences Laboratory, to produce a timely, high quality, accurate and cost effective service.
The post holder will support the timely processing of patient samples, serving all those patients attending PHNT, PCTs representing 100 General Practices and specialist assays referred to us from other Trusts within the Peninsula. Pathology performs 7 million tests annually and employs over 300 staff. Typically the Microbiology Dept .handles 1,500 samples a day from those patients attending PHNT, and PCTs representing around 100 General Practices. The Department performs over 500,000 tests per annum and employs 60 wte staff.
To assist in supervising/training new / less experienced support staff. The post holder will be required to work late duty shift on weekdays on a rostered basis. There is also a requirement to work Weekends and Bank Holidays which are on a rolling rota. The post holder may also be called upon, if required to do so, to participate in 24/7 working
To assist qualified staff in the processing of biological samples including blood, urine, faeces, sputum, swabs, fluids, tissue etc. which are used in the diagnosis, treatment and management of disease following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) at all times.
To carry out such bacteriological or molecular diagnostic procedures as deemed applicable, working in conjunction with, and supervised by, an HCPC registered Biomedical Scientist.
To process samples for the purpose of screening patients and others for the carriage of significant infectious organisms using laboratory procedures and protocols.
To train and supervise SATO and ATO staff within the bacteriology Department of Microbiology.
To develop an understanding of the pathology of disease in relation to the results obtained whilst being aware of their significance in patients, with reference to expected findings /normal values.
Act as an Audit Officer under the direction of the laboratory Quality Manager and to assist in audit carried out by internal and external agencies.
To have sufficient knowledge and competence to work, if required, on any appropriate rotating duty, in all bacteriology and serology sections of the laboratory.
To be able to use the laboratory IT system to input results of tests and to deal with enquiries for results that may be sensitive in nature, and to use the Trust PIMS system in order to look up patient details.
To ensure that important or unusual findings are drawn to the attention of senior staff and to report anomalies as soon as possible.
To assist in the basic competence assessment and subsequent NVQ training for ATO staff.
To develop an understanding of and to be involved in , the quality assurance programmes of the Department, both internal,( IQA) and external (NEQAS)
¨C11C ¨C12C ¨C13C ¨C14C ¨C15C ¨C16C ¨C17C ¨C18C ¨C19C ¨C20C ¨C21C ¨C22C ¨C23C ¨C24C ¨C25C ¨C26C ¨C27C ¨C28C ¨C29C ¨C30C ¨C31C