The future is exciting. Are you ready to join Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) as one of our service co-ordinators , Growing collaboration within health and social care in Sheffield provides PCS with a wide range of working-at-scale opportunities which can improve patient pathways and reduce cost.
You will work closely with our Operational teams to ensure our administration functions support the services we operate.
This is a responsible, varied and challenging role, suitable for someone who works well under pressure, is self-motivated and can multitask, whilst still working to a very high standard.
To provide high level, professional and confidential administrative support as part of an administrative team ensuring the smooth, efficient and effective maintenance of administrative functions, raising any queries with senior colleagues to ensure these can be clarified.
To be an effective communicator working with a wide range of stakeholders from across the health and social care system to support PCS day to day business, ensuring that deadlines are met in the context of competing priorities and complex agendas.
To apply knowledge of administrative systems and procedures to problem solve and where necessary develop alternative or additional systems that support quality delivery of services.
Using excellent communication, persuasion and negotiation skills to receive and communicate complex and sensitive information from and to a range of stakeholders across organisations using telephone, e-mail and face to face . This will include regularly receiving requests and demands from persons both external and internal to PCS such as Directors/ Managers, GP practices, secretaries and patients.
Monitor progress and chase against identified actions within each service in addition to supporting any required actions following on from meetings and delegated duties.
Job Title: Service Co-ordinator - Primary Care Sheffield (PCS)
Responsible to: Operational Manager/Support Manager
Accountable to: Head of Operations
Full Time, Permenant
Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) is a GP-led organisation. Our shareholders are 75 GP
practices in Sheffield covering over 600,000 patients. As well as providing a unified voicefor general practice in the city, we play an active role both within our Accountable Care Partnership (ACP) and the wider South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System
General practice working at scale through PCS enables us to:
Provide community sexual & reproductive health and gynaecology services outsideof hospital
Lead on the response to Covid-19 within primary care, including hosting the
Sheffield Community Testing Service.
Improve the quality of GP referrals into secondary care with the provision of
education, support and referral guidance to practices across ten outpatient
Provide evening and weekend appointments, 52 weeks-a-year, with GPs, nurses,
physiotherapists and phlebotomists at 9 sites around the city.
Deliver workforce solutions, including first contact physiotherapists
Operate 24hr ECG and vasectomy clinics
Provide governance and support to practices to enable them to work together in
Were ambitious for our shareholders and so we continue to work hard, both with providersand commissioners, to find new ways of maximising positive patient outcomes and experiences.
The future is exciting. Are you ready to join Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) as one of ourservice co-ordinators , Growing collaboration within health and social care in Sheffield provides PCS with a wide range of working-at-scale opportunities which can improve patient pathways and reduce cost.
You will work closely with our Operational teams to ensure our administration functionssupport the services we operate.
This is a responsible, varied and challenging role, suitable for someone who works wellunder pressure, is self-motivated and can multitask, whilst still working to a very high standard.
To provide high level, professional and confidential administrative support as part ofan administrative team ensuring the smooth, efficient and effective maintenance of administrative functions, raising any queries with senior colleagues to ensure these can be clarified.
To be an effective communicator working with a wide range of stakeholders fromacross the health and social care system to support PCS day to day business, ensuring that deadlines are met in the context of competing priorities and complex agendas.
To apply knowledge of administrative systems and procedures to problem solve andwhere necessary develop alternative or additional systems that support quality delivery of services.
Using excellent communication, persuasion and negotiation skills to receive and
communicate complex and sensitive information from and to a range of
stakeholders across organisations using telephone, e-mail and face to face . This
will include regularly receiving requests and demands from persons both external
and internal to PCS such as Directors/ Managers, GP practices, secretaries and
Monitor progress and chase against identified actions within each service in additionto supporting any required actions following on from meetings and delegated duties.
Escalate / direct specific issues to key individuals within the wider PCS team as
required, using knowledge of roles and responsibilities within the members of theservices.
To develop and maintain excellent administration systems and manage all
documentation in a systematic way using agreed processes.
Assist in managing processes by providing information and analysis as appropriate
The post holder will be managed by a senior colleague but will be expected to actindependently exercising sound judgement.
The post holder will have to act autonomously in areas of the work seeking advicewhen necessary
The post holder will have regular 1:1s with line managers to support ongoingdevelopment and review performance.