Consultant in DermatologyinRotherhaminRotherhamPUBLISHED TUE 20 AUG 2024

Band Consultant: £105,504 to £139,882 a year  PERMANENT 

We are looking to recruit a new Consultant into our Friendly Dermatology Service, providing clinical care of inpatient and outpatient patients. We are looking to consolidate our service maintaining high quality patient care.

Outpatient work:

Seeing new patients, patients on follow up and the delivery of minor operational procedures.

Working with our extensive skilled Nursing team

Deliver general Dermatology clinics and skin cancer

Attend the weekly Skin MDT


The post holder will be expected to take significant responsibility for supervision and management of inpatient referrals.

Undertake all medical duties , assessing of ill patients , management of medical problems and liaise with relatives and other medical departments

If you are passionate about delivering high quality patient care and want to be

If you would like to be involved in shaping services for the future we would be keen to hear from you.

The post-holder will have responsibility for Outpatient clinics which consist of new patients and Follow-up patients.

Biologics clinics Botox biologics, surgery, MDT. Supporting our well led trained nurses with Nurse led activity.

Effective leadership to all staff engaged in the specialty

Undertaking all work in accordance with Trust procedures and operating policies

Conducting clinical practice in accordance with contractual requirements and within the parameters of the Trusts service plans

Maintaining the confidence of business plans and development strategies formulated for the specialty, the Care Group or the Trust

The Job Plan will be finalised on application

Within the Division of we work to our core Vision; To deliver high quality, person centred care by the right people in the right place and time, delivered by an empowered, compassionate and skilled workforce within a strong Quality and Financial Governance and Assurance framework.

About us

The Department

The Dermatology department is part of the Division of Integrated Medicine, which is committed to transforming the way health care is provided. The Division provides a number of unscheduled and scheduled services through integrated patient pathways, which put the patient at the centre of their care, embracing innovation and new ideas. The Department has historically enjoyed very good relations with local GP's and the CCG, as well as the other South Yorkshire Dermatology Teams.

The Dermatology Department is a modern and progressive department, which has excellent facilities and comprises a highly qualified nursing team and team of doctors: Locum consultants, experienced Specialty Doctor and a Biologic Nurse consultant. We have well established links with Sheffield and there are plans to develop these further.

The department see approximately 6000 new patients per year and performs 500-day case procedures.

The post holder will be expected to provide clinical dermatology services within in-patient and outpatient settings, expected to provide a general Dermatology service including routine and urgent clinics. There are opportunities to undertake specialist interest clinics to complement existing specialisms

The post holder will be expected to work in partnership with all other members of the multidisciplinary team ensuring that high quality, safe and effective patient treatment and care is maintained always.

The successful candidate will be expected provide a general Dermatology service including routine and urgent clinics. There are opportunities to undertake specialist interest clinics to complement existing specialisms

Deliver the highest standards of care with a particular focus on the Trusts strategic priorities including:

Patient safety first

Good functional outcomes from treatment

Excellent patient experience

Performance beyond our patients expectations

Maximising efficiency for reinvestment into clinical services

Transforming how health care is delivered

The Post

The post holder will be expected to contribute with colleagues and peers to the provision of a hospital-based specialist Dermatology service.

The post holder will have full and continuing clinical responsibility for the care of patients under their care and the provision of treatment, which is relevant to the Dermatological condition whilst in hospital. This may involve the provision of advice and assistance to Consultants in other specialties and the proper delegation to and training of junior staff.

The provision of a senior clinical role in the continuing development of the Dermatology Service in Rotherham including specialist clinics.

To carry out teaching duties as required and in particular to take an active part in the education programme of trainee medical staff and medical undergraduate students from Sheffield University.

To provide on a reciprocal basis, a Consultant service in the absence of Consultant colleagues.

Administrative duties to ensure the proper functioning of the department.

Leadership, management and supervision of medical, nursing and other professional staff within the Dermatology service as required. There is a wide teaching role within the post, to train medical students, nurses and junior doctors, as they rotate through the department.

Attendance at Directorate, District and Regional meetings, as required, to represent the interests of the specialty, the department and the Trust.

The successful candidate may be required in future, to undertake clinical activity during the evening or weekend.

The post holder will have a dedicated office space and secretarial support, shared with the other consultants. The Trust has comprehensive IT services, which ably support all aspects of the role.

All staff are required to abide by all Trust Policies and Procedures, details of which can be accessed via the Trust Intranet, and are required to comply with Mandatory Training requirements. In particular, medical staff should be aware of, and comply with, infection control and safeguarding requirements.

The Dermatology Service is expected to develop strong links with other appropriate service areas including but not limited to:

Primary care and services delivered in the community setting

Third sector and voluntary sector organisations

It is expected that the post-holder will be a clinical/educational supervisor to some of the training doctors on rotation, as well as taking part in their regular weekly Teaching timetable. 1hr/week SPA time is afforded for this role.

There will be an expectation to take on management roles, such as Specialty or Foundation training co-ordinator, education lead or clinical governance lead. For any of these roles, additional SPA time would be granted.

The study leave allowance is 10 days per annual. It is expected that these will be used, in addition to SPA time, for CPD towards revalidation as per the recommendations of the Royal College and the various specialty bodies.

The trust is fully committed to supporting and assuring revalidation, by way of a dedicated support team and IT infrastructure package.

The trust has a programme of mandatory training, which all consultants are expected to undertake.

For appointees new to the consultant role, or who may have had a career break, the department strongly encourages mentorship support

Attendance at the monthly specialty clinical governance group is expected. Further contribution to clinical governance activities in the form of local, regional and national audit participation, guideline writing/updating, and undertaking other relevant projects would also be expected.


Locations are approximate. Learn more