The Senior Programme Manager (Surgical redesign) is a new leadership role within LGT. It will hold responsibility for planning and driving the successful and timely reorganisation of key clinical services within the organisation, focussed on Breast and Urology services.
This post is majority funded by the South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA), recognising the important role this post will have in improving access to cancer diagnosis and treatment for our patients.
It is an exciting role, with a big opportunity to make a difference to patients across our system. Breast and urology services are highly networked services which are delivered with the support of partner organisations within South East London. Both clinical services have been under review over the last twelve months, to devise potential options for new, optimised models of clinical services which are more sustainable.
The postholder will lead our thinking and implementation of new clinical models of care, in collaboration with partners. They will take work completed to date - at different levels of maturity - and collaborate with clinical and non-clinical teams at all levels and across the system through to implementation.
Working in a collaborative way with internal stakeholders and patient advocates is essential for this role. The post holder will therefore have extensive senior management level experience in health and care services. The postholder will be experienced in clinical programme management and healthcare operational leadership, with a proven track record of delivering sustainable change programmes across complex pathways.
To work with operational, clinical, workforce and other teams within and beyond LGT to design a future innovative operating model for the services including the most appropriate management arrangements to support the service.
Develop a 3 5 year strategy for relevant clinical services, in partnership with directorate triumvirates/leadership teams; undertake and lead benchmarking exercises (as appropriate)
Ensure that any strategic plans are consistent with wider SEL strategies and direction of clinical networks; ensure alignment with SELCA strategy and operating plan
Identify any issues pertaining to delivery of the new services, including but not limited to clinical pathways, digital, estates, finance, procurement, and workforce; identify co-dependencies, risks and issues to enable delivery of significant change within these areas.
Programme Management
Support senior leaders and system colleagues in securing appropriate clinical engagement for change programmes, ensuring that all key clinicians are active participants in shaping the planning and development of service delivery.
Manage the programme to ensure areas for potential clinical service change (Trust and SEL) and opportunities for innovation are identified and delivered, realising tangible benefits and improved outcomes for patients.
Take responsibility for the management of the Programme ensuring that it is designed, delivered and governed to achieve the agreed objectives and KPIs. This includes leading preparation for all internal governance meetings and an executive-led Programme Board, jointly overseen by senior stakeholders in LGT and GSTT.
Ensure that the programme aligns with any governance / programme management structures for wider South East London clinical networks.
Ensure the programme is support by robust business and financial planning, demonstrating and realising benefits to the Trust and broader SEL system.
Design and implement a governance framework that ensures that issue resolution is embedded and risk management is aligned both to the Trust and the wider SEL infrastructure, with corrective action taken in a timely way.
Proactively mitigate risk across all programme activity and assure the programme board and relevant key stakeholders are regularly updated on effective risk management plans.
Ensure that the Programme is delivered within its agreed parameters, for example, cost, speed of implementation, expected / actual benefits realisation.
Devise a reporting structure that facilitates a broad understanding of the programme and its objectives with appropriate ownership within LGT and the wider SEL stakeholders with effective decision making at all levels
Working with the Trust and wider SEL delivery teams, lead on reporting against the agreed KPIs.
Lead on benefits management for the Programme and new service delivery models, working with stakeholders to ensure that identified projects benefits are identified both within the Trust and more broadly across South East London.
Project manage and lead on designated service development projects within the Programme, ensuring that there is a robust project plan, clear timescales and deliverables and engagement with all relevant parties.
Deliver required project documentation, consultation and communication material, briefing and formal papers and presentations in order to support delivery of projects using agreed methodology; this will include the development of patient facing materials and supporting internal/external communication plans
Ensure alignment with other relevant local and national programmes of work and policy.
Work effectively through ambiguity and uncertainty.
Maintain good relationships with and effective reporting to various Boards and formal meetings, ensuring that members are well briefed on the progress of the Programme.
Use exceptionally well-developed communication, negotiation and influencing skills to engage a range of staff to enable the delivery of the Programme against a range of limiting resource constraints.
Build and proactively develop effective stakeholder relationships in the health economy and beyond, and actively develop productive relationships in sometimes challenging environments.
The role will demand frequent face to face, written, verbal and electronic communications. This will be with a range of Executive Directors, other Directors and senior managers in the Trust, the APC, ICB, SELCA, GPs, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, service managers, information and finance professionals.
Lead and support communication with patients on new service models and redesign, working with patient and public involvement teams.
Budget Responsibilities
Manage the agreed budget, monitoring both expenditure and cost and understanding the impact on the organisations and broader systems financial position.
Influencing and leading changes and improvement through new patient pathways and clinical efficiency.
Making service recommendations and changes, which impact the Trust income.
Managing delegated financial and physical resources for the projects.
Ensure financial risks are monitored and escalated appropriately as the programme is delivered
Workforce responsibilities
Will be required to undertake any workforce responsibilities such as an appointed panel member on an interview or disciplinary hearing. May also be required to undertake any investigations under one of the Trusts workforce policies.
Whilst it is envisaged there will be no direct line-management within the duties of this post initially it is expected that the post holder will contribute appropriately towards appraising any junior staff that are assigned duties within the project