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Write a very short cover letter in British English to University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Trainee Advanced Practitioner in Acute Medicine and SDEC with University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) in Bristol
We are excited to recruit a Full time Trainee Advanced Practitioner (AP) in Acute Medicine/SDEC AP based in the Bristol Royal Infirmary. We are a Team of 3 currently, one qualified AP and x 2 trainees who are now in their 2nd year. As a trainee you will be required to enrol on an approved AP Apprenticeship or eportfolio route if you have not achieved an accredited MSc in Advanced Practice. You will also be required to have an active eportfolio to evidence your competence across the acute medicine curriculum. Potentially you will be working towards qualification over a period of 3 years depending on academic and clinical experience, achieving a band 8a at the end. As a trainee it is expected you will work 30 hours clinical a week with 7.5 hours off shop floor. You will be allocated an educational supervisor to support your learning and development. You should be well organised, IT savvy and have an excellent record of professional conduct. The successful candidate will expect regular educational teaching; short placements for learning opportunities in other areas of practice e.g. ED and ITU. You will work across the whole of the department including SDEC, the Medical take and AMU ward depending on where you are in your training. Once qualified as an AP your job plan will remain 80% clinical with 20% Non-clinical where you will ensure continuing competence across all 4 pillars and as required admin/audit/quality improvement projects/management responsibilities. - Practice in compliance with your code of professional conduct and within your agreed scope of practice, being responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and omissions at this level of practice. - Practice at a high level of clinical expertise in assessing and diagnosing patients who present to Acute Medicine. - Demonstrate a critical understanding of your broadened level of responsibility and autonomy and the limits of your own competence and professional scope of practice including working with complexity, risk and incomplete information. - Act on professional judgement about when to seek help, demonstrating critical reflection on your own practice, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and openness to change. - Work in partnership with individuals, families and carers, using a range of assessment methods as appropriate (history taking, holistic assessment, identifying risk factors in mental health assessments, requesting, undertaking and interpreting diagnostic tests. - Use expertise and decision making skills to inform clinical reasoning approaches when dealing with differentiated and undifferentiated individual presentations and complex situations, synthesising information from multiple sources to make appropriate evidence based judgements and diagnoses. - Initiate, evaluate and modify a range of interventions including prescribing medicines, therapies, lifestyle advice and care. About us For a more detailed job description, main responsibilities, and person specification, please refer to the job description document attached to this vacancy. (Main Duties contd) - Exercise professional judgement to manage risk appropriately, especially where there may be complex and unpredictable events and supporting teams to do likewise to ensure safety of individuals, families and carers. - Work collaboratively with an appropriate range of MDT and inter-professional resources, developing, maintaining and evaluating links to manage risk and issues across organisations and settings - Act as a clinical role model for developing and delivering care that is responsive to changing requirements, informed by an understanding of local population health needs, agencies and networks. - Evidence the underpinning core trust wide AP competencies as well as speciality specific competencies, knowledge, skills and behaviours relevant to the role, scope and demonstrate application of the capabilities to these in an approach that is appropriate to the individual role, setting and scope