This is an exciting opportunity aimed at a Peri-CCT, post-exam fellow to gain greater exposure in advanced Head and Neck ablative, Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. To maximize the opportunity, any candidate should have some good grounding in Head and Neck Surgery and be looking for advanced competencies.
At QVH, we offer the gamut of ablative options, with both advanced and/or complex salvage cases and transoral laser resection. Close working between the ENT and Maxillofacial surgeons allows for a multitude of reconstructive options. Any suitable applicant will be expected to develop the skills to manage these patients from presentation through MDT discussion, surgery, and post-operative period to a consultant level during their tenure. In addition to Head and Neck ablative surgery, there is also an opportunity to finesse benign and malignant thyroid surgery and develop exposure and competency in Parathyroid surgery.
The QVH is a well-recognized regional Head and Neck unit operating on a "hub & spoke" basis to provide services for a significant proportion of the South East. There are 13 OMFS Consultants in the department and 3 ENT Consultant Surgeons, and a number of theatre lists per week to accommodate cases.
There is a fully equipped maxillofacial laboratory on-site at QVH, and in addition, we have "in-house" 3D planning and wafer construction available to us. The fellow will be expected to attend theatre, clinics, and the Consultants' clinics.
The successful applicant will be exposed to elective head and neck surgery patients and will gain experience in how to approach clinical situations starting from the initial consultation, making the diagnosis, and preparing the patients for theatre, post operative management and short, medium and long term follow-up in outpatient clinics.
If the successful candidate has sufficient experience, they will be expected to contribute to teaching. In addition, the fellow will participate in department audit and governance. The candidate would also be strongly encouraged to add to the clinical literature and publish some research work drawing upon our extensive clinico-pathological databases.
Duties will also include general ward care, upkeep of medical records and involvement in clinical audit. The duties will be varied depending upon the exigencies of the service. Opportunities for research are available and successful candidates will be encouraged to participate
Please see the Job Description for a full outline of the role and benefits of the Fellow post at QVH.