To provide evidence-based counselling modalities in line with NICE guidance and the Talking Therapies manual to adults experiencing depression that meet suitability criteria to benefit from Talking Therapies. To work collaboratively with Talking Therapies colleagues who 'Step' people assessed as requiring Counselling for depression.
You will be Accredited with a professional body or working towards professional accreditation (to be achieved in the first year of employment). Whilst not accredited you will be on a temporary band 5 contract moving to permanent band 6 contract on gaining accreditation.
Sheffield Talking Therapies works closely with GP Practice teams across Sheffield providing a wide range of psychological interventions to people experiencing Depression and Anxiety - operating within a Stepped Care Model. This is a hybrid working position, working both remotely and on site.
To meet the National Talking Therapies standards which include an individual minimum 52% recovery rate and to meet 20 Clinical Contact hours (pro-rata) per week. To ensure productivity expectations are met in line with the National Talking Therapies manual.
To meet patient needs by working across Sheffield according to demand. Working a minimum of 22.5 hours per week and to offer one early appointment and one late appointment per week (outside 9-5pm working hours) and Saturday working on occasion if required.
Provide an initial Counselling assessment once 'stepped' by an Talking Therapies colleague (as there are no direct referrals to Counselling) including a risk assessment and offer an appropriate Counselling contract; or signpost or refer on to a more appropriate service or intervention.
Offer professional advice and support to the referrers and Talking Therapies colleagues in Primary Care on all aspects of Counselling.
Work autonomously within professional guidelines and best practice Talking Therapies guidelines.
Liaise as appropriate with Talking Therapies colleagues, GPs regarding concerns and the treatment outcome.
Use data to reflect, guide and improve your own practice and performance in conjunction with supervision. Contribute to counselling forums and CPD events.
Minimum of 0.5wte over a minimum of 3 days preferably working a full day Thursday to support the role as Thursday's are service wide nonclinical time which involves, meetings, forums and CPD opportunities
To assess and treat people stepped to Counselling as appropriate.
To complete all mandated session by session outcome measures.
To have autonomous professional responsibility for clients referred.
To formulate and implement a counselling contract based on an appropriate conceptual framework of the persons presenting issues within the protocols and procedures established by Talking Therapies (in line with NICE guidance, the Talking Therapies manual and suitability for an Talking Therapies service).
To recognise and assess risk (including child and vulnerable adult protection) and raise matters in line with Talking Therapies/SHSC policy.
To manage all aspects of arranging and working with interpreters when assessed as necessary for the Counselling contract.
To sensitively communicate complex information to clients to encourage therapeutic engagement.
To ensure record keeping in line with Sheffield Talking Therapies Standard Operating Procedures. This includes contemporaneous notes completed within 24 hours on the agreed patient record system, checking SHSC patient administration system prior to taking on new patients to check any risk or suitability issues and to send a discharge summary to GP practices once completed treatment.
To maintain a high level of clinical practice by attending Individual and Group Supervision; as well as being an active member of the Counsellor specific forum (pro rata if part time).
To provide evidence-based modality individual and/or group supervision as appropriate.
To provide counselling consultation and support to the Primary Health Care team where needed and to Talking Therapies colleagues on the suitability of the evidence-based modality for depression prior to stepping.
To participate in and contribute to the Counsellor Forum and Talking Therapies Team Meetings and service away days.
Participate in individual performance reviews and respond to agreed individual objectives aligned with meeting the service objectives of achieving all three National Talking Therapies standards on access, waiting times and recovery rates.
To continue to gain professional training and experience over and above that provided by the service making a commitment to continual professional development. Including responding to additional training request by NHS England in line with Talking Therapies providing evidence-based interventions.
Ensure all mandatory training is up to date in line with service protocol
Service Development
To be research aware and able to contribute to the research programmes supported by the Talking Therapies service where appropriate.
To act in an informed proactive manner to support improved access to the Talking Therapies service for people who use the service.
To contribute through the Talking Therapies data set and other evaluation tools to improve the quality and effectiveness of Counselling within the Talking Therapies Service.
To be able to use all the required electronic systems used by SHSC and Talking Therapies as well as in the Primary Care teams where based (as appropriate).
The post holder should be comfortable in the use of computer technology, have basic keyboard skills and have the ability to use email. In addition to this the ability to conduct videoconferencing as a treatment option.
To attend clinical and practice meetings as part of the Talking Therapies team and work closely with the Primary Health Care team where appropriate.
To contribute to the development of best practice in Counselling by continuing to develop the skills of a reflective practitioner.
To maintain an active involvement with current developments in the area of Talking Therapies and counselling.
To maintain up to date professional knowledge and developments in Talking Therapies and Counselling.
To maintain annual accreditation with a professional accrediting body relevant to providing individual psychological therapy / Counselling / psychotherapy and the required registrations for the Talking Therapies evidence-based competency-based trainings.