Dilston Medical Centre is a busy but friendly practice with over 9000 patients. We are located near the city centre and provide a wide range of services. The successful postholder will work alongside our existing part-time Medical Secretary. The post is up to full time hours.
We have a small secretarial team and the successful postholder will be responsible for the processing of letters, referrals, Choose and Book, chasing up appointments and a variety of other jobs relating to patient care. A working knowledge of referral paths in the Newcastle area would be required. The practice uses SystmOne clinical programme.
Job Summary
The post-holder will provide general secretarial support to the GPs, Practice Manager and Clinical Professionals involving a high standard of computing skills, administering the practices referral process, and providing support to the practice administrative systems and processes if needed.
Main responsibilities
The post-holder will:
Provide an efficient word processing service for GPs. This includes the typing of letters, reports, patient referrals and recording them on SystmOne.
Type letters using eReferral (Choose and Book)
Follow up any outstanding referrals.
The post-holder will:
Administer the referral process, making appointments using Choose and Book where necessary and to make private appointments where appropriate.
Maintain appropriate and relevant filing and administrative systems so that written or computer information is easily accessible and secure.
Monitor the practices overall referral rate with weekly statistical reports to the practice Manager.
Deal effectively and quickly with all appropriate patient and/or clinician-initiated queries relating to eReferral appointments, referrals etc.
Circulate updates relating to new referral criteria,
Ensure all 2-week referrals are processed in a timely manner and monitor compliance
3Support to Practice Administrative Systems and Processes
The post-holder will:
In the course of seeking treatment, patients entrust us with, or allow us to gather, sensitive information in relation to their health and other matters. They do so in confidence and have the right to expect that staff will respect their privacy and act appropriately.
In the performance of the duties outlined in this job description, the post-holder may have access to confidential information relating to patients and their carers, practice staff and other healthcare workers. They may also have access to information relating to the practice as a business organisation. All such information from any source is to be regarded as strictly confidential.
Information relating to patients, carers, colleagues, other healthcare workers or the business of the practice may only be divulged to authorised persons in accordance with the practice policies and procedures relating to confidentiality and the protection of personal and sensitive data.
5Health & Safety
The post-holder will assist in promoting and maintaining their own and others health, safety and security as defined in the practice Health & Safety Policy, to include:
Using personal security equipment in the workplace.
Identifying the potential risks involved in work and deciding on the appropriate course of action to report/manage such risks.
Making effective use of training to update knowledge and skills.
Using appropriate infection control procedures, maintaining work areas in a tidy and safe way and free from hazards.
6Equality and Diversity
The post-holder will support the equality, diversity and rights of patients, carers and colleagues, to include:
Acting in a way that recognises the importance of peoples rights and abilities.
Respecting the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefs of patients, carers and colleagues.
Behaving in a manner which is welcoming to individuals, is non-judgmental and respects their circumstances and feelings.
7Personal/Professional Development
The post-holder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment, such training to include:
Participation in individual performance reviews when required and identify individual training requirements.
Partaking in staff training.
Statutory training e.g. CPR, safeguarding.
The post-holder will strive to maintain quality within the practice, and will:
Alert other team members to issues of quality and risk.
Assess own performance and take accountability for own actions, either directly or under supervision.
Contribute to the effectiveness of the team by reflecting on own and team activities and making suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the teams performance.
Work effectively with individuals in other agencies to meet patients needs.
Effectively manage own time, workload and resources.
The post-holder should recognize the importance of effective communication within the team and will strive to:
Communicate effectively with other team members.
Communicate effectively with patients and carers.
Recognise peoples needs for alternative methods of communication and respond accordingly.
10Contribution to the Implementation of Services
The post-holder will:
Apply practice policies, standards and guidance.
Discuss with other members of the team how the policies, standards and guidelines will affect own work.
Participate in audit where appropriate.
Contribute to Staff and Clinical Meetings.
11 OtherThis job description is neither exhaustive nor exclusive and will be reviewed periodically in conjunction with the post holder. The post holder is required to carry out any reasonable duties that may be requested by the Partners and/or the Practice Manager. The post holder will be required to adhere to any practice requirements, or stipulations arising within a legislative context from a recognised and legitimate third party.