We are seeking an enthusiastic and skilled Physiotherapist to join our team of AHPs at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
As a Senior Physiotherapist you will rotate across both of our hospital sites at Southport District General Hospital and Ormskirk District General Hospital in addition to opportunities for service development involvement.
This position provides a broad spectrum of rotations and learning opportunities to consolidate skills. We offer rotations in the the following services
This is a full-time position, it will include weekend working and participation in the on-call respiratory service.
The successful post holder can expect to receive structured supervision and support, with opportunities for further training and education.
To assess and treat patients within the ward or Community setting.
To assist Clinical Therapy Manager/Team Leader in service development and the provision of a quality service.
To take responsibility for junior members of staff and delegate duties as necessary, providing appropriate level of support at all times.
To assess and identify the individual needs of referred patients, to clinically diagnose and implement treatment plans if appropriate in a manner that respects peoples privacy, dignity and individuality.
To take part in extended working rotas as appropriate.
In accordance with best practice, implement and evaluate Therapy Intervention.
To record and report findings appropriately following the standard procedures used by the department to maintain high levels of written/verbal communication.
To share skills/knowledge with other disciplines and patient/carers as necessary.
To liaise with hospital/community-based staff as appropriate to ensure continuity of treatment and provision of equipment/adaptations to facilitate hospital discharge/prevent re-admission and support resettlement/re-enablement into the community.
To provide and receive complex information which requires empathy and reassurance. Communicating where there may be barriers to understanding and where skills such as motivational interviewing and counselling are required.
To be part of the Respiratory on Call rota if applicable.
To provide professional practice education of Therapy students on placement and to assist in the education and development of other health professionals.
To actively assist in the promotion of Therapy through professional practice and delegated activities.
To ensure continued professional development including attendance at relevant postgraduate training and actively participating in in-service training.
To keep an up-to-date Personal Development Plan and Professional Development Portfolio.
To comply with the HPC Standards and Code of Professional Conduct.
To participate in activity around clinical audit and work towards initiatives within department/service/directorate as appropriate.
To ensure treatments offered to patients are based on the best available clinical evidence.
To ensure compliance to all Trust Risk Management, Research Governance and Infection Control Policies and Procedures and abide by the Standards for Better Health
Undertake appropriate mandatory training in infection control and comply with all Trust Infection Control Policies relevant to the post, particularly with regard to the Hand Hygiene Policy.
To comply with any statutory requirements imposed on the Trust.
To take reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and other persons who may be affected by your acts/omissions.
To ensure that any equipment, furniture or building in need of repair is reported in line with Trust procedure.
To take advantage of clinical network opportunities and working parties within and outside the organisation.
In close liaison with senior staff, to identify and contribute towards service development to address quality issues.
To operate systems of supervision/appraisal for junior staff members.
To develop own clinical knowledge and leadership skills and to share expertise for the improvement of patient care.
To undertake research and ensure compliance with all Trust Research governance procedures.
Take responsibility for managing their own health and wellbeing.
The post holder is required to adhere to the values of the Trust.
To be aware of and identify changes in service demand and report to senior staff.
Contribute to the ordering and maintaining of materials / equipment / resources to facilitate patient care
In the absence of senior staff to take responsibility for the daily running of the department.
To attend/participate in Trust / Department briefing sessions and to feedback and inform others as appropriate.