Advanced Neonatal DietitianinBroomfieldinBroomfieldPUBLISHED WED 13 DEC 2023

See Job Description and Personal Specification for further details on specific roles and responsibilities.

We are looking for an experienced, forward-thinking, supportive and friendly person to join us as a neonatal dietitian.

You will have the opportunity to review and scope current service provision and collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams in shaping improvements in support for families whilstdrawing on recommendations and best practice guidelines.

You will be part of a well led, dynamic and friendly team consisting of Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Dietitians and Speech therapists, who constantly strive for integrated working - optimising patient care and team morale.

If you are interested in the role and believe you hold the qualities we require, then apply today!

You will be responsible for the delivery of highly specialist neonatal dietetic support within the model of Family Integrated Care to infants and families on the neonatal unit(s) within Mid and South Essex NHS Trusts. The post holder will be based at Broomfield Hospital but maybe required to offer support on other sites within MSE at times.

The role involves the assessment, delivery and management of highly specialist nutrition & dietetic services to infants born prematurely, or with health conditions requiring admission to the neonatal unit.

Specialist skills will be used to manage their own caseload, working collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team, without direct supervision. They will be confident undertaking all aspects of clinical duties as an autonomous practitioner, developing and delivering individualised treatment plans.

You will work as an integral member of the neonatal multidisciplinary team, working closely alongside families, Neonatal Consultants, Nursing Teams, Infant Feeding team, AHP and Psychology Team (local and ODN) to provide evidence-based care.

The post holder will be involved in developing the neonatal therapy service, drawing on recommendations and best practice guidelines and willbe expected to partake in evidence-based audit and research projects.

There is the expectation to provide support and cover to the wider paediatric dietetic service.


Locations are approximate. Learn more