Clinical Team Leader Paddock Special SchoolsinLondoninLondonPUBLISHED TUE 14 MAY 2024

Job summary

Clinical Team Leader - Speech and Language Therapy
Paddocks Schools

Salary: Band 8a

Hours: 1.0wte (part-time arrangements may be considered)

Contract: Fixed term 10 months maternity leave cover

Location: Paddock School sites

St Georges Healthcare Trust is responsible for improving the health of a culturally diverse population of people in south west London.

An exciting opportunity exists for a dynamic senior AHP take a lead role in implementing and monitoring an innovative model of therapy embedded within the school curriculum. The role will include strategic development of therapy input into the curriculum whilst contributing to whole school workforce development and facilitating collaborative multidisciplinary working. One school is due to move to a new site and this post holder will be instrumental in ensuring therapies are well represented in the move.

The post holder will also be responsible the provision of expert clinical intervention and delivery of parent and staff training packages. The post holder will provide line management support for other multi disciplinary therapists and clinical supervision as necessary.

Paddock School is a split-site day Special School with 2 sites, that caters for pupils from 3-19 years. Pupils attending Paddock may have Severe Complex Learning Difficulties and/or ASD with moderate/severe learning difficulties.

Main duties of the job

Job Summary:

  1. To provide high level managerial input and excellent leadership to therapy staff (assistants and OTs) within the Children's Therapy Service.

  1. To pro-actively manage a service budget attributed to the Special Schools service and deliver an equitable and high quality service within available resources. Additionally, to contribute to any associated cost improvement plans.

  1. To contribute towards the modernisation and development of Therapies by taking the lead in those developments relevant to the clinical services the post-holder manages working with other organisations as appropriate.

  1. To provide support and professional advice to the Head of Therapies including specific advice on clinical, speciality and related professional issues.

  1. The post-holder will ensure the development of a high quality evidence based therapy service through the promotion of professional and Trust clinical governance frameworks, in line with national initiatives such as Children's National Service Frameworks, NICE, The Children's Bill, RCSLT and other child related areas and will be responsible for ensuring the implementation within the children's therapy teams.

About us

With nearly9,000 dedicated staff caring for patients around the clock, they are the largest healthcare provider in southwest London.Their main site, St George's Hospital in Tooting - one of the country's principal teaching hospitals - is shared with St George's, University of London, which trains medical students and carries out advanced medical research. St George's Hospital also hosts the St George's, University of London and Kingston University Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, which is responsible for training a wide range of healthcare professionals from across the region.As well as acute hospital services, they provide a wide variety of specialist care and a full range of community services to patients of all ages following integration with Community Services Wandsworth in 2.St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust serves a population of 1.3 million across southwest London. A large number of services, such as cardiothoracic medicine and surgery, neurosciences and renal transplantation, also cover significant populations from Surrey and Sussex, totalling around 3.5 million people.The trust also provides care for patients from a larger catchment area in southeast England, for specialties such as complex pelvic trauma. Other services treat patients from all over the country, such as family HIV care and bone marrow transplantation for non-cancer diseases. The trust also provides a nationwide state-of-the-art endoscopy training centre.

Job description

Job responsibilities

  • Managerial
  • To provide strong leadership, setting direction and delivering excellent service results, acting as a role model for Team Leaders and providing them with line management in support of the day-to-day management of their services.
  • To sit on the schools senior leadership team board and represent a broad health perspective in decision making and planning for the school.
  • To work closely with the Head of Therapies, as well as other key managers in the Trust including the General Manager for Childrens Services, to ensure the delivery of key targets.
  • To be responsible for proposing or implementing departmental and Trust policies, guidelines or protocols to enable the delivery of safe, quality evidence-based practice.
  • To work with senior colleagues within Therapies and Childrens Services ensuring that robust Clinical Governance arrangements are in place to support audit, research and service quality promotion within the department.
  • To contribute towards the strategic plan for Therapies taking ownership of those areas relevant to Childrens SLT or that has been delegated. This is to be undertaken in respect of the services within the remit of the post, ensuring that it is within the context of the Trusts strategic plans, Clinical Commissioning Groups initiatives and national drives such as the NHS Plans and NSFs.
  • To be accountable for the direct service delivery and on-going quality improvements of the Childrens SLT Service within the School/ Hospital Trust, contributing to the business cases needed
  • To be influential and offer a high level of expertise and professional support to the development of related services and to act as an advocate for the young person in decision making and planning of care and reviews.
  • To manage the health team and workforce planning and development in association with the Head of Childrens Therapies, the school management team and the General Manager for Childrens Services; being proactive and flexible about how the services are delivered. By continually analysing the services, reviewing skill mix and using forward planning to ensure that the available resources are used the most effectively.
  • By keeping abreast of AHPs developments locally and nationally t
  • Education and Training
  • To take the lead for speciality service in ensuring accurate reporting against Clinical Support care group performance criteria. Produce annual reports for the Childrens Health Services
  • To link as appropriate with universities providing under-graduate training for SLT which require clinical placements in this Trust
  • To ensure that appropriate levels and types of training are offered, implemented and evaluated for SLT provision for all levels including non-qualified staff within the school ensuring that a learning culture and environment is provided. (using an Elklan model)
  • To ensure specialist skills and knowledge in order to maintain professional competence and fitness to practice, commit to own on-going personal and professional development through reflective practice, membership of professional body and participation in postgraduate training
  • Communication Skills
  • To be able to resolve conflicts or communicate often complex or contentious information relating to staff, patients, carers or service delivery sensitively and fairly.
  • To influence, at a strategic level, senior managers within the Trust or from external organisations in relation to professional or service delivery issues utilising diplomacy, persuasiveness and negotiating skills.
  • To be responsible for the maintenance of appropriate documentation / data collection standards within the team, ensuring these and other written protocols are implemented and regularly reviewed, ensuring that they are current and appropriate to the service frameworks.
  • To represent healthcare within the school decision making at management board and governing body level as required.
  • Research and Development
  • To work with senior colleagues across the Trust ensuring that robust Clinical Governance arrangements are in place to support, develop and promote audit, research and service quality within SLT as well as supporting a research framework within the department.
  • To be responsible for Clinical Governance arrangements within the Childrens SLT teams, ensuring appropriate feedback mechanism
  • To pro-actively promote a culture of learning, development and clinical excellence within Therapy services, linking this to the Trust objectives and seeking collaboration with academic institutions as appropriate.
  • Management of Resources
  • To be responsible for the staff within the Childrens SLT Service including recruitment, selection, induction, monitoring, sickness, disciplinary and grievance procedures as necessary.
  • To take responsibility for the appraisal of senior members of the Childrens SLT Service ensuring that each has a personal development plan and appropriate objectives
  • Ensure that a clear, documented structure exists within the Childrens SLT Service to cascade the above and that all staff receive appropriate level of supervision as well as annual appraisals.
  • To ensure the implementation of all local and School / Hospital Trust policies and procedures relating to personnel management as might be contained in e.g. recruitment and retention, managing attendance, conduct and performance standards.
  • To act as an expert and supervisor in issues relating to recruitment, retention and development and personnel management of the Childrens SLT Service, calling upon specialist training and experience in personnel management as required.
  • To be responsible for equitable standards in the recruitment of staff to the service ensuring that the Trusts policies are followed.
  • To be responsible for exploring issues relating to the improvement in recruitment and retention of staff being creative and flexible in the appointment of staff.
  • Finance
  • To assist the Head of Childrens Therapies and the General Manager for Childrens Services in seeking procurement for service developments when opportunities arise within the Trust or locally including private income opportunities.
  • To work closely with the directorates management accountant and Head of Childrens Therapies to agree the annual budget for the services, identifying opportunities for cost improvement plans and providing the Head of Childrens Therapies with accurate costing of cost pressures and service developments.
  • To exercise control over staff and non-staff expenditure, to contain expenditure within budget.
  • Physical Resources
  • To provide the Head of Childrens Therapies on-going review of facilities within the services to ensure optimum use of resources.
  • To work with School and Hospital Trust services to achieve best value from suppliers and maintenance contracts.
  • To be responsible for equipment used in carrying out clinical duties: develop and adhere to departmental policies, ensuring safe use of equipment by others including but not limited to clients, carers & other professionals.
  • To have the overall responsibility for the monitoring / ordering of resources / specialist equipment required to deliver service within the school team and maintain appropriate records for the purposes of audit and financial monitoring.
  • To work with the School and Hospital Trust Services to optimise service contracts pertaining to inpatient therapies.
  • Health and Safety
  • The post-holder is required to take reasonable care for his / her own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • The post-holder is required to conform to statutory regulations, St Georges Healthcare NHS Foundation Trusts policies on health and safety, fire procedures and confidentially and to attend any training sessions as required.
  • Freedom to Act
  • The post-holder will have significant autonomy in the delivery of the above and be responsible for his / her professional actions when managing the services.
  • Authority will be delegated to the post-holder by the Head of Childrens Therapies who will provide remote supervision and analysis of results.
  • The post-holder will hold sole responsibility for a wide range of duties.
  • The post-holder will participate in a Trust-wide capacity under the direction of the Head of Therapies.
  • Context, Effort and Environment
  • The post-holder will deal with significant volumes of work requiring extensive periods of concentration within a work pattern, which may be unpredictable and dealing with several projects at any one time.
  • The post-holder will be regularly exposed to sensitive, emotional and distressing issues, both staff and patient related.
  • The post is mainly office-based but will require extensive time based within service areas within and outside the directorate, together with time spent outside the Trust.
Safeguarding Statement

St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people, and vulnerable adults by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from harm. All staff will receive appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out.

Job description
Job responsibilities

  • Managerial
  • To provide strong leadership, setting direction and delivering excellent service results, acting as a role model for Team Leaders and providing them with line management in support of the day-to-day management of their services.
  • To sit on the schools senior leadership team board and represent a broad health perspective in decision making and planning for the school.
  • To work closely with the Head of Therapies, as well as other key managers in the Trust including the General Manager for Childrens Services, to ensure the delivery of key targets.
  • To be responsible for proposing or implementing departmental and Trust policies, guidelines or protocols to enable the delivery of safe, quality evidence-based practice.
  • To work with senior colleagues within Therapies and Childrens Services ensuring that robust Clinical Governance arrangements are in place to support audit, research and service quality promotion within the department.
  • To contribute towards the strategic plan for Therapies taking ownership of those areas relevant to Childrens SLT or that has been delegated. This is to be undertaken in respect of the services within the remit of the post, ensuring that it is within the context of the Trusts strategic plans, Clinical Commissioning Groups initiatives and national drives such as the NHS Plans and NSFs.
  • To be accountable for the direct service delivery and on-going quality improvements of the Childrens SLT Service within the School/ Hospital Trust, contributing to the business cases needed
  • To be influential and offer a high level of expertise and professional support to the development of related services and to act as an advocate for the young person in decision making and planning of care and reviews.
  • To manage the health team and workforce planning and development in association with the Head of Childrens Therapies, the school management team and the General Manager for Childrens Services; being proactive and flexible about how the services are delivered. By continually analysing the services, reviewing skill mix and using forward planning to ensure that the available resources are used the most effectively.
  • By keeping abreast of AHPs developments locally and nationally t
  • Education and Training
  • To take the lead for speciality service in ensuring accurate reporting against Clinical Support care group performance criteria. Produce annual reports for the Childrens Health Services
  • To link as appropriate with universities providing under-graduate training for SLT which require clinical placements in this Trust
  • To ensure that appropriate levels and types of training are offered, implemented and evaluated for SLT provision for all levels including non-qualified staff within the school ensuring that a learning culture and environment is provided. (using an Elklan model)
  • To ensure specialist skills and knowledge in order to maintain professional competence and fitness to practice, commit to own on-going personal and professional development through reflective practice, membership of professional body and participation in postgraduate training
  • Communication Skills
  • To be able to resolve conflicts or communicate often complex or contentious information relating to staff, patients, carers or service delivery sensitively and fairly.
  • To influence, at a strategic level, senior managers within the Trust or from external organisations in relation to professional or service delivery issues utilising diplomacy, persuasiveness and negotiating skills.
  • To be responsible for the maintenance of appropriate documentation / data collection standards within the team, ensuring these and other written protocols are implemented and regularly reviewed, ensuring that they are current and appropriate to the service frameworks.
  • To represent healthcare within the school decision making at management board and governing body level as required.
  • Research and Development
  • To work with senior colleagues across the Trust ensuring that robust Clinical Governance arrangements are in place to support, develop and promote audit, research and service quality within SLT as well as supporting a research framework within the department.
  • To be responsible for Clinical Governance arrangements within the Childrens SLT teams, ensuring appropriate feedback mechanism
  • To pro-actively promote a culture of learning, development and clinical excellence within Therapy services, linking this to the Trust objectives and seeking collaboration with academic institutions as appropriate.
  • Management of Resources
  • To be responsible for the staff within the Childrens SLT Service including recruitment, selection, induction, monitoring, sickness, disciplinary and grievance procedures as necessary.
  • To take responsibility for the appraisal of senior members of the Childrens SLT Service ensuring that each has a personal development plan and appropriate objectives
  • Ensure that a clear, documented structure exists within the Childrens SLT Service to cascade the above and that all staff receive appropriate level of supervision as well as annual appraisals.
  • To ensure the implementation of all local and School / Hospital Trust policies and procedures relating to personnel management as might be contained in e.g. recruitment and retention, managing attendance, conduct and performance standards.
  • To act as an expert and supervisor in issues relating to recruitment, retention and development and personnel management of the Childrens SLT Service, calling upon specialist training and experience in personnel management as required.
  • To be responsible for equitable standards in the recruitment of staff to the service ensuring that the Trusts policies are followed.
  • To be responsible for exploring issues relating to the improvement in recruitment and retention of staff being creative and flexible in the appointment of staff.
  • Finance
  • To assist the Head of Childrens Therapies and the General Manager for Childrens Services in seeking procurement for service developments when opportunities arise within the Trust or locally including private income opportunities.
  • To work closely with the directorates management accountant and Head of Childrens Therapies to agree the annual budget for the services, identifying opportunities for cost improvement plans and providing the Head of Childrens Therapies with accurate costing of cost pressures and service developments.
  • To exercise control over staff and non-staff expenditure, to contain expenditure within budget.
  • Physical Resources
  • To provide the Head of Childrens Therapies on-going review of facilities within the services to ensure optimum use of resources.
  • To work with School and Hospital Trust services to achieve best value from suppliers and maintenance contracts.
  • To be responsible for equipment used in carrying out clinical duties: develop and adhere to departmental policies, ensuring safe use of equipment by others including but not limited to clients, carers & other professionals.
  • To have the overall responsibility for the monitoring / ordering of resources / specialist equipment required to deliver service within the school team and maintain appropriate records for the purposes of audit and financial monitoring.
  • To work with the School and Hospital Trust Services to optimise service contracts pertaining to inpatient therapies.
  • Health and Safety
  • The post-holder is required to take reasonable care for his / her own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • The post-holder is required to conform to statutory regulations, St Georges Healthcare NHS Foundation Trusts policies on health and safety, fire procedures and confidentially and to attend any training sessions as required.
  • Freedom to Act
  • The post-holder will have significant autonomy in the delivery of the above and be responsible for his / her professional actions when managing the services.
  • Authority will be delegated to the post-holder by the Head of Childrens Therapies who will provide remote supervision and analysis of results.
  • The post-holder will hold sole responsibility for a wide range of duties.
  • The post-holder will participate in a Trust-wide capacity under the direction of the Head of Therapies.
  • Context, Effort and Environment
  • The post-holder will deal with significant volumes of work requiring extensive periods of concentration within a work pattern, which may be unpredictable and dealing with several projects at any one time.
  • The post-holder will be regularly exposed to sensitive, emotional and distressing issues, both staff and patient related.
  • The post is mainly office-based but will require extensive time based within service areas within and outside the directorate, together with time spent outside the Trust.
Safeguarding Statement

St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people, and vulnerable adults by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from harm. All staff will receive appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out.

Person Specification



  • 5 years post qualification
  • Mangement of specialist SLTs

  • Multidisciplinary line management


  • Undergraduate degree

  • Masters or equivalent


  • Experience of neuro diverse affirmative work
Person Specification


  • 5 years post qualification
  • Mangement of specialist SLTs

  • Multidisciplinary line management


  • Undergraduate degree

  • Masters or equivalent


  • Experience of neuro diverse affirmative work
Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.
Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the .

From 6 April 2, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. .
UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see

Additional information
Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the .

From 6 April 2, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. .
UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see

Employer details

Employer name

St George's Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Paddock Special Schools


SW15 5RT

Employer's website


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