Operational Team LeaderinLondoninLondonPUBLISHED TUE 26 DEC 2023

£29,000 to £32,000 a year pro rata  PERMANENT 


The Operations Team Leader will be responsible for:

  • Supporting the Service Manager and Deputy Service Manager in the delivery and performance management of the Integrated Urgent Care service.
  • Deputising for the Service Manager or Deputy Service Manager as required.
  • Assisting with daily monitoring and delivery of access targets and KPIs.
  • Supporting the Service Manager and Deputy Service Manager to deliver the Services to agreed quality standards ensuring that processes and systems are compliant with external requirements (CQC)
  • Being responsible for the day-to-day performance of all staff across the service.
  • Line management of a team of operational staff, including the recruitment and retention of staff and performance management.
  • Supporting the Service Manage and Deputy Service Manager with the completion of relevant parts of the monthly LAG Report as directed.
  • Ensuring issues relating to GPs providing services to LCW are addressed in real time, such as timekeeping, professional conduct and non-clinical grievance matters. Escalate concerns to the Clinical Director and rota team as appropriate.

LCW are looking for two Operational Team Leaders to join their clinical operations team.This role will support the Service Manager and Deputy Service Manager in the planning, day-today delivery, and development of the non-clinical components of the Integrated Urgent Care Service.

The post holder will require flexibility for the hours and be able to travel between the various locations of work across the LCW sites to meet the needs of the service. This includes a 3-week rolling shift pattern which includes some weekend work and OOH cover.

The Operations Team Leaders will work closely with the Service Manager / Deputy Service Manager to ensure the delivery of a safe, high-quality, cost-effective service. They will have ultimate accountability for ensuring the areas within their specific responsibility (Hub, Fleet and Drivers / PCC Receptionists) are fit for purpose, safely resourced, and well managed.

They will be expected to work with other functions to ensure that the service delivered is of a high-quality. This will include ensuring policies and procedures are adhered to and the relevant KPIs are monitored and achieved. Areas of concern will be addressed and/or improved as necessary.

Where LCW has additional or secure service lines such as extended access, or other similar functions procured in their locality they will assume responsibility and oversight of the same to drive forward efficiencies and optimise the workflow.


Locations are approximate. Learn more