Consultant in Stroke MedicineinChichesterinChichesterPUBLISHED FRI 15 DEC 2023

Band Consultant: £99,532 to £131,964 a year per annum  PERMANENT 

For further information relating to this post, please refer to the attached job description and person specification

This is a replacement post at an exciting time in the development of our regional stroke service.

There is a reconfiguration of stroke services across West Sussex underway and from 2026, St Richards Hospital will host be the designated Acute Stroke Unit for West Sussex with work underway to create a new purpose built unit on the Hospital Site. Alongside the build, the Trust is investing heavily in expanding the workforce across Stroke and associated disciplines to deliver this expended and redesigned service.

We currently work with University Hospital Southampton for a Mechanical Thrombectomy service but with UH Sussex currently expanding its service, it is anticipated that St Richards patients who can benefit from this will be able to be treated within the Trust from 2025.

We are keen to receive applications from enthusiastic and committed doctors eligible to apply for a consultant position in our team.

Stroke is a hyperacute speciality requiring significant consultant involvement. We are commissioned to provide a 7-day consultant led service with daily ward rounds, daily TIA clinics and 24-hour stroke specialist cover.

This post will be one of 4 stroke consultant posts contributing to our holistic 24/7 multidisciplinary stroke service with additional posts coming on stream as we move closer to opening the Acute Stroke Centre.

As consultants we work within a shared leadership model enabling individuals to support and develop areas that are of particular interest to

The clinical duties of the post include the following:

o Daily work on HASU including attending stroke calls and assessing patients for thrombolysis/thrombectomyo Daily TIA clinicso OP stroke clinic (held weekly but shared between colleagues). Potential to expand this service including virtual and face to face appointmentso Attendance at daily board rounds and MDTso Please note that all the above duties are shared between colleagues to ensure continuity of care for patients and to allow individuals to develop their own sub speciality interest

On Call Commitment: 1 in 7 weekends and 1 in 7 weekdays. Category A, 5% supplement. There is an expectation that patients will receive a consultant review as soon as possible - either on the day of admission or on the following morning.


Locations are approximate. Learn more