Sunflower House - Team Co-ordinatorinLiverpoolinLiverpoolPUBLISHED WED 28 AUG 2024

Sunflower House (SFH) is a well-established Tier 4 children’s mental health inpatient service and part of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

It is commissioned by NHS England to provide specialist assessment, treatment, T4 Consultation and Multi-Disciplinary opinion across Cheshire, Wirral and Merseyside but also accepts patients from across and outside of England where appropriate services cannot be provided regionally.

SFH An Inpatient Mental Health Facility, Designed To Help Children And Young People Up To The Age Of 13 Years With

  • A primary diagnosis of mental illness including children with neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD and mild/borderline co-morbid learning difficulties), physical disabilities or those with social care problems as secondary needs.
  • Severe and complex needs that cannot be safely managed within Tier 3 CAMHS
  • Severe and complex needs that cannot be adequately assessed within a Tier 3 environment.
  • May require detention under the Mental Health Act.

The service is looking to recruit a permanent Band 6 Team Coordinator.

The Team Co-Ordinator Role Will Provide

  • Leadership and support to a group of clinical staff including nurses, healthcare support workers and trainees
  • Young people up to age 13 presenting with complex and comorbid mental health difficulties
  • Clinical and day to day operational experience and leadership across the shift
  • Shift work - days/nights/weekends – band 6 cover across shifts
  • Nurse in charge role
  • Management of clinical staff

For an informal discussion please contact Ben Smith – Modern Matron email

We currently have more than 4,000 staff working across our community and hospital sites. We’re also a teaching and training hospital providing education and training to around 540 medical and over 500 nursing and allied health professional students each year.

As black and minority ethnic (BME) employees are currently under-represented in this area, we particularly welcome applications from members of our BME communities. All appointments will be made on merit.

You can expect a warm welcome at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, our staff are friendly and welcoming.

For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Ben Smith Job title: Modern Matron Email address:


Locations are approximate. Learn more