Eating Disorders Nurse PractitionerinBlack Country wideinBlack Country widePUBLISHED MON 18 DEC 2023

Band 6: £37,338 to £44,962 a year per annum  FIXEDTERM 

Our nursing team have a vast array of skills and knowledge to deliver safe evidence based care as part of the wider MDT. We deliver MANTRA, FBT, CBT-E, SSCM, DBT, as part of our individualised care for patients as well as groups. Our service ensures everyone has robust supervision and training to develop the team in their roles.

Eating Disorders Nurse Practitioner

Band 6

Full time hours

Posts available across the Black Country.

Multiple vacancies as part of transformation to develop outreach service and strengthen core ED team.

We are looking for skilled nurses to work with people who have eating disorders. The post holder will be required to observe and manage the physical and mental health risks associated with eating disorders and actively engage patients in their care whilst working in recovery. We support our nursing team to develop further their specialised skills and have an in service programme to support our development within our roles.

We welcome applications from qualified mental health nurses with knowledge and experience of working with patients who have an eating disorder or who can demonstrate excellent transferable skills. We also have paediatric nurses in our service who have existing mental health and eating disorders experience.

We have multiple Band 6 roles across the Black Country working with either young people, adults or within our Eating Disorder Outreach element. We are used to growing nurses who have not had prior eating disorders experience if they are the right candidate, although prior experience may be advantageous passion, dedication, compassion and a genuine interest in helping changes lives is a must.


inBlack Country wide
Locations are approximate. Learn more