Trainee Fetal Wellbeing Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) inLondon inLondon PUBLISHED WED 27 DEC 2023

Band 7: £51,883 to £58,544 a year per annum inclusive of HCAs  PERMANENT 

To further embed and develop the current competency testing for fetal monitoring to assess and improve the knowledge and skills of all staff providing intrapartum and antenatal care across all maternity settings.

the post holder will provide leadership, guidance and expertise within the wider multi-professional maternity team for fetal surveillance and intrapartum risk assessment. This will include putting in place strategies and frameworks that ensure the Maternity service meets the Trust and national standards for fetal monitoring, Feto-maternal Surveillance (MDU) and acute care (Triage).

To produce and cascade out and embed into practice an intelligent intermittentauscultation training package and lead on the use of this in training midwives whoprovide intrapartum care on the Delivery Suites, the Midwifery Led Unit and in thewomans home.

Ensure that all midwives and obstetricians providing antenatal and intrapartum careundertake the competency test in assessing fetal wellbeing.

In conjunction with the midwifery education team provide enhanced teaching andadditional support to staff who need to repeat the competency test to in order toachieve and demonstrate the expected levels of knowledge.

Lead weekly CTG workshops, maintaining an electronic database to evidence attendance registers and ensure compliance to the mandatory requirement for midwives and medical staff. Disseminate learning which emerges from workshops.

Organise CTG master classes on the monthly mandatory training week ensuring theattendance of all eligible staff.

Develop, in conjunction with the Maternity Matrons, Obstetric Lead for Delivery Suite and the Obstetric Lead for Risk, an audit form (on a daily basis) for case reviewsall emergency deliveries i.e. instrumental and caesarean sections in the previoustwenty-four hours to review the interpretation of CTGs and subsequentmanagement of care.

Use findings of such cases for reflective practice sessions, tocascade and evidence learning from good practice and identify areas for furtherdevelopment.

Use every opportunity to facilitate teaching, learning and reflection within the clinical area.

When required to work as a practicing midwife within the maternity unit andundertake unit coordinator duties as required.

Ensure staff are assessing fetal well-being in the context of the woman's health,pregnancy, gestation and stage of labour by observing how handover is communicated at change of shifts, midwife to doctor communication when referrals are made and listening to assessments made over the telephone (SBAR).

Ensure that interpretation of fetal assessment is undertaken with a structured approach, reflective of recommendations within our current guidelines and that all documentation reflects this approach.

Use every opportunity to provide positive feedback and identify and disseminate learning from good outcomes.

Be visible and proactive on Delivery Suite, Birth Centre and in antenatal areas toinitiate and/or lead discussion regarding fetal assessment, embed and promote theFresh Eyes approach with associated documentation evidenced.

Ensure ongoing audit across to monitor (the improvements and subsequently maintained standards) in fetal assessment.

Assist in the investigation of incidents pertaining to poor birth outcomes,implementing any recommendations arising from these investigations.

Promote evidence-based practice throughout the maternity service.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) will deliver experienced, registered health care practitioners. It is a level of practice characterized by a high degree of autonomy and complex decision making. This is underpinned by an academic level 7 master's level award or equivalent that encompasses the four pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education, and research, with demonstration of area specific clinical competence. A trainee ACP is an experienced healthcare professional employed in a funded training post specifically to undertake the required training to work at the level of Advanced Practice. The training comprises study at master's level (academic level 7) and work-based learning to develop competence across all four pillars of the ACP Multi-professional Framework. T

The Fetal Monitoring trainee ACP, alongside the obstetric lead for fetal monitoring, will be the lead on improving and maintaining a high standard for fetal surveillance antepartum and intrapartum.

The post holder will be responsible for developing and implementing a training programme, skills assessment test and promote a culture of ongoing learning and development, providing guidance and expertise within the multi-professional team. This will include putting in place strategies and framework that ensure Women's Health services meets the Trust, Group, sector, region, NHSE and regulators standards for fetal surveillance.

To support and work with the teams across the Maternity department to develop a programme plan to facilitate the implementation of a clinically based teaching and competency based assessment package to aim towards achieving better birth outcomes.

To develop staff awareness in recognising pathophysiological factors that could contribute to misinterpretation of the fetal heart pattern.

To ensure the relevant staff are assessing fetal well-being appropriately using the entire context of the woman's general health, pregnancy, gestation and stage of labour.

To support staff in enhancing their fetal monitoring skills aiming to work towards reducing, identifying and escalating risk within clinical practice. To take the lead role in supporting the development of a safety culture within the context of resource constraints and multiple conflicting priorities in relation to fetal monitoring.

To work in collaboration with and support of the Delivery Suite Coordinators, Obstetricians, Maternity Matrons, Consultant Midwife, Practice Development Midwives, Birth Centre Lead/Midwives, and Community Midwifery team.

Working with the labour ward Lead Consultant Obstetrician, Maternity Matrons, Birth Centre Leads, Community Leads, and the Consultant Midwives to develop a comprehensive training and competency testing package to give assurance that all staff responsible for fetal assessment and wellbeing are competent.?


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